Friday, August 10, 2007

Submit to Lost and Found

Anyone can submit to Lost and Found. Please use this form to submit your news or news that you read on another person's blog. The LFCA posts only news from the adoption/infertility/pregnancy loss blogosphere. News that is submitted that is not on-topic will not be posted in the LFCA.

Please use the form to submit news. My email address is This is the best way to ask direct questions, offer a suggestion, or tell me lovely things about myself. Please put Lost and Found in the subject line.

Please check the current post and the archives to make sure the information hasn't already been covered.

I do not advertise businesses unless they are owned or operated by a stirrup queen (or sperm palace jester) or they benefit those in the infertility/pregnancy loss community. I am happy to post about self-published books, but would like to speak directly with the author beforehand and in some cases request to see the book before I put it up on the list. Therefore, all book announcements should be sent directly to my email address (above). The same goes for movies, music, or any other artistic endeavour related to infertility or pregnancy loss.

Do I ever post things that are entirely off-topic? Sure. It happens. If you have something off-topic, email me about it and I'll consider it. In these cases, you need to be thick-skinned if I tell you it's too off-topic or not of general interest. I try to keep the list, like my blog, entirely infertility and pregnancy loss focused.


My_Herstory said...

I don't know if I'm doing this right. I'm new to the lost and found place you've created. I'm looking for new contacts... women with PCOS. DH and I have been TTC for 5-6 yrs now, we're on our 3rd RE, just getting reffered now... have used clomid, metformin, ect... just looking for contacts. Thankyou.

ConverseMomma said...

I'm new here too. I had three miscarriage, the second one being molar. I was told I would never give birth to a healthy child. My dh and I decided to do a domestic adoption. My son was born on 6/6/6. My dh and I were both in the delivery room. He is a beautiful miracle. When he was three months old, I got pregnant. I went to a reproductive endo who saved my baby girl. She is now 4 months old. I have irish twins!!! I wanted to just say that the road is so long and scary, but if we never give up~we become Mothers.
Love and peace,