Lost and Found is open to anyone in the infertility, pregnancy loss, adoption, pregnancy-and-parenting after infertility, assisted conception, living child-free after infertility or loss community (as well as anyone I inadvertently missed on that list). Please support the list as well as anyone posting announcements below.
Connections Abound
- Come have an imaginary drink at the Virtual Lushary and catch up everyone on what has been happening to you this month.
- Nachas*: a post from one of our own made the front page of the Resolve website. The post is called Dear Sarah Jessica Parker. Go give PJ congratulations. Matt Miller's blog and Pamela Jeanne's article is also mentioned in that same section of the Resolve site.
- Good Cause: Surrogacy 101 has a post up about being a bone marrow donor.
- Question: Non-blogger-but-Blog-Reader needs help: "One of my preemie twins, who's 2-and-a-half-months adjusted age, recently started only taking part of his bottle and refusing the rest with much back arching and spitting out of the nipple. He's previously been a very good eater. I suspect silent reflux, based on some of his other symptoms. I'm looking for others with silent reflux experience - what were their baby's symptoms, what did they try, what did they find that worked? I don't have a blog, but people could respond to my e-mail address, amybds@yahoo.com."
- Question: Infertility on the Brain has some questions about genetic counseling and/or testing. Go over to her blog if you can answer.
- Question: Luna has a question posted for a friend, " If you have considered or used donor gametes (DEs or DS), would/did you tell others (aside from medical professionals and the
blogosphere)? Would/will you tell your child, and if so, when and how? And finally, do you know of any specific resources (books, blogs, boards, etc.) to help parents work through this difficult issue?" Go over to her blog if you can answer.
- Please Fulfill This Need: Bleu has a need; you may be able to help. Um...head on over and see. She is keeping the list current and removing items as she gets them.
- Quiet Blogger: A reader asks if anyone knows what has happened to Nilla of Vanilla Dreams. If anyone is in touch with her, please let her know people are thinking about her.
- Sign-up began for the Roundup Extravaganza (the summer version of the Creme de la Creme). Head over if you want to participate. There are already over 100 on the list!
- If you notice another loading slow down or receive error messages for Stirrup Queens or Lost and Found, please let me know. Now I'm nervous every time I add anything to the side bar!
- Just Keep Swimming (in the beginning...)
- A Woman My Age is celebrating her birthday tomorrow. Go sing her a little song.
- Soulbliss is also celebrating her birthday tomorrow. Go eat some cake in her honour.
- Thinking Miracles will be remembering her unfulfilled due date tomorrow. Please go sit with her and give her a hug.
- Mommy to an Angel is coming up on the day in her current pregnancy that Jesse died at in her last pregnancy. Jesse died at 30 weeks 3 days (Friday in this pregnancy) and was born at 30 weeks 6 days (Monday). Please give her support through this time.
- It’s the two month anniversary of Molly’s birth and death.
- None Today.
- Sarah had a great fert report and they are now biopsying all 7 embryos.
- Speculum Stories is having a really hard time right now. She and her husband have decided to begin the process of finding a gestational surrogate.
- So Blessed I Could Scream had another negative peestick so it looks like this cycle is over. Go give her some imaginary chocolate and hugs.
- Bee in the Bonnet had her 200th post.
- IVF After Gastic Bypass Surgery has doubling betas, but has had some bleeding and the threat of an ectopic. She has a follow-up ultrasound on Thursday. Please give her support while she waits.
- Resplendent Quetzal is in the 2ww.
- Stacie is having a shitty time right now. Go swing by and give her a hug.
- Her 100th post is not the post she wanted to write. Manda's first homestudy was postponed. Go give her a hug.
- On to Plan B triggered and retrieval is tomorrow. Go wish her good luck.
- JuliaS has her hysterectomy scheduled for September 17th. Please go give her a hug.
- Cathleen at The Iron Circle has her trial transfer and sonohystogram scheduled for Thursday morning. She could use some tips, tricks and witty remarks.
- Kami is on modified bedrest for the rest of her pregnancy.
- Wielecki Twins is on bedrest with high blood pressure.
- Trying is on bedrest due to gestational hypertension and low amniotic fluid.
- Tracy is on modified bedrest and will probably remain like this for the remainder of the pregnancy.
- Schatzi is on "increased rest" and will most likely be on bedrest for a large portion of her pregnancy.
- When All Else Fails... is on bedrest due to a shortened cervix.
- Geohde is on increased rest too as she keeps in the twins to 32 weeks.
- Crowded Uterus Syndrome is on bedrest.
- The Adventures of Jonny and Flo is on bedrest after an increase in Braxton-Hicks contractions.
- Milenka is in the hospital on bedrest due to low fluid.
- My Journey to Mommyhood is on bedrest after she started bleeding. She has an ultrasound this upcoming Thursday.
- Waiting For...? is on bedrest after leaking fluid and a rupture of membranes for one of the twins.
- It Will Happen is on bedrest for a shortened cervix.
When will it be my turn? got a positive first beta of 350!
- It's a boy for I'm an Ova-Achiever!
- Illiterati is being induced on Thursday!
- Journey to Junior's first ultrasound shows perfect gestational and yolk sacs at 5w4d and there is also the possibility of a twin!
- Babytorud has nicely doubling betas and her first ultrasound is on July 3!
- Demeter got her amnio results and everything looks good. She is having a boy! It was also her daughter's first day at daycare.
- Nica gave birth to Spunketta--a boy--on June 5th. Go over and wish her congratulations.
Read and Support
*Yiddish for happiness in someone's accomplishments, though I just discovered that it also is a slang term for ass cheeks in Mexico.
*Yiddish for happiness in someone's accomplishments, though I just discovered that it also is a slang term for ass cheeks in Mexico.
1 comment:
Thanks for the shout out about Resolve AND genetic counseling!
So Lori linked me to her post about Sex and the City, which lead me to YOUR Bad Charlotte Post on Blogher. I absolutely loved it! It was FANTASTIC!!!
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