Lost and Found is open to anyone in the infertility, pregnancy loss, adoption, pregnancy-and-parenting after infertility, assisted conception, living child-free after infertility or loss community (as well as anyone I inadvertently missed on that list). Please support the list as well as anyone posting announcements below.
Connections Abound
- Research: "Please contribute and make your voice heard! I am a psychologist who is developing a training program for nurses in fertility clinics- the goal of which is to help them to respond in a more compassionate manner to patients' anxiety and distress throughout all stages of the evaluation and treatment process. Would you be willing to share your perspective on the question of "what I wish my nurses knew about their impact on my IF journey"? I would hope this might elucidate some of the strengths and room for improvement that exist in current practices. Whether you are cycling, have cycled in the past, had success or not, or in the early stages of evaluation please know that your contribution will be valued. Please email your thoughts to me at: morray@gmail.com. Many, many thanks in advance!"
- Forum: Silent Sorority writes, "Register now (or support by blogging about) The Cycle: Living A Taboo, a live event on Sept 27 featuring an unprecedented lineup of bloggers, authors, healthcare professionals -- all former patients and infertility advocates -- to lift the veil on infertility and failed treatment cycles. Organized entirely by volunteers, our goal is to tell the "un-sponsored truth" about infertility to ensure that future generations of women and men confronting infertility will have the benefit of improved social and emotional supports, and greater access to transparent, accurate information about reproductive technologies and their social impact, and treatment outcomes, risks and costs. Learn more at http://www.TheCycleLivingATaboo.com."
- Action: Fertility Lab Errors writes: "This is a call to action to improve the quality of care and to reduce errors in the fertility laboratory. This facebook page highlights a patient's experience with errors that occurred in a fertility lab and clinic and the subsequent discovery that no mandatory standards of fertility laboratories in the US are in place. The patient's story is heartbreaking, uplifting, and inspiring in the current work being done to attempt to help other infertility patients in the US receive better overall care."
- Project: A reader writes: "Where the Bleep Is Our Stork started a new project called The Stork Secrets! It sounds awesome and I hope she gets a great response because I'd love to see how the photoblog turns out!"
- First Time Reading the LFCA: If this is your first time reading the LFCA or you need a refresher about how the LFCA works, please read this post. It has everything you need to know about getting your news in the LFCA.
- Quicklink Resources: Regular ALI Blogroll: If you would like your blog added to the ALI blogroll, please email me directly with your blog url and category pick. More information about being added is contained in that link. Password-Protected Blogroll: If you would like your password-protected blog added to the blogroll, please fill out the form.
- It's Going to Take a Village (over 35 and TTC)
- The Scarlet Letter I (IUI/IVF)
- None Today.
- None Today.
- Heather at Mommy Loves Martinis shares that she had her third miscarriage this week. At 40, and in a same-sex relationship, getting pregnant is just as hard as staying pregnant. Please give her support.
- None Today.
- None Today.
- Jessie and her now-fiance Bear are stunned and thrilled to have a BFP! Please go over and wish them congratulations.
- None Today.
Read and Support
Thanks, Mel! Appreciate you including The Cycle Living a Taboo in the last few L&F newsletters. Offering a few free tickets to bloggers who contact me directly. Warm regardst, Pamela
One thing that might want to be added is that Milenka, who used to blog a while ago, and dealt with Infertility before she had her twins and then son, who was born at 30wks has passed away due to an apparent heart attack.
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