Friday, December 7, 2007

Friday's Connections Abound

Welcome to today's edition of Connections Abound. The Lost and Found page is permanently located beneath this current post. Old Connections Abound can be accessed via the date or subject archives listed on the sidebar. Check the submissions page, FAQ, and ways to get involved for additional information. Email me at with any questions/concerns.

Lost and Found is open to anyone in the infertility, pregnancy loss, adoption, pregnancy-and-parenting after infertility, assisted conception, living child-free after infertility or loss community (as well as anyone I inadvertently missed on that list). Please support the list as well as anyone posting announcements below.

Connections Abound


  • 68 in the Creme de la Creme--keep sending your link. And go hound your favourite bloggers to submit something.
  • Jennifer told me yesterday about this wonderful organization called Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep (NILMDTS). I wish no one ever needs to use their services, but I'm moved that they exist. Jennifer writes: "I recently ran across this website for an organization that does infant bereavement photography for free for those who have lost a child. I didn't know if this was something that everyone knew about and I was out of the loop or if no one knew about it and would like to." I typed in my zipcode and it came up with many volunteers in my area. I was simply moved by this organization. There are also volunteer opportunities for photographers and non-photographers.
  • Someone PLEASE, Knock Me Up is in need of information concerning surrogacy--if you've used a surrogate or even looked into it, go over and give her some information.
  • Click here for an amusing post by Super Ovum about Flip-off Fridays and give IF the finger every week over on her blog.
  • It has started--the celebration of us--the Creme de la Creme of the Infertility/Pregnancy Loss/Adoption blogosphere. Click on over to see the details and then add your link to the list.
  • What? You need a gift for the holidays? Why not support your fellow stirrup queens and buy from Shop Mom or Pop? Shop thoughtfully this season and send on the link to anyone who wants to support the community by making their holiday shopping also make treatments or adoption possible.
  • If you notice another loading slow down or receive error messages for Stirrup Queens or Lost and Found, please let me know. Now I'm nervous every time I add anything to the side bar!
  • Another connection needed: Nancy has been going through hellish surgery after hellish surgery to get her uterus into shape simply to start trying. She is looking to connect with others who have either (1) had multiple surgeries for endo or (2) are also waiting for the chance to try. She writes at The New Life of Nancy: "my third uterine surgery failed. It failed to get my oven in shape to receive any buns for baking. It's still on the fritz. The first one wasn't actually for ~this~ problem. It was an endo lap, so I shouldn't count it. The second surgery was the one that tried to fix the inside of the uterus. Since I went with my OB instead of my RE, I was able to rationalize the failure with the fact I didn't go with the "expert". I figured I made a bad decision and was paying for it by having to endure a third surgery. But when that 3rd surgery failed - the surgery performed by the expert - well, that one got to me. This is the last chance to get my oven in working condition. They are not going around the sides anymore, they are just going to try to "snip" it out. The amount of scar tissue being built from the surgeries alone is going to start damaging the oven to where it's unrepairable. This is my final service call. This is it." Not only should you go over to give her support, but if you also are in the same boat, let her know.
  • Two ladies in need of a new OB or RE--can you help them out? Contact them through their blogs if you live in their area or can make a recommendation:
  1. Dallas/Fort Worth area: Life in the Petri Dish.
  2. Detroit area: Idle Mind of Beth.
NEW BLOGS (started in November or December of 2007)
BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES: Celebrate your birthday or blogoversary with the community. Send me dates for December/January right now and I'll post them on the correct day.
  • Lindsay's blogiversary is on Monday. Go over and wish her congratulations on a year of blogging.
  • None Today.
MISCELLANEOUS SUPPORT:Bed rest, scary scans, OHSS, and a host of other reasons why these bloggers could use some additional support right now. Also, celebrations!
  • New blogger, Kim, at Breakfast in Bedrest is pregnant and in bed. Her profile reads: "I am 35 years old, pregnant for the 4th time with my second child, a girl after years of infertility treatments, miscarriages and other reproductive woes. I've been assigned to modified bedrest due to a shortened cervix and need a hobby. I'm terrible at knitting and addicted to my laptop so here goes..." Let's all go over and keep her company today.
  • Busted Babymaker has an u/s tomorrow to check on the babies and is worried. Go over and give her some support.
  • Excellent ultrasound for Michelle! Go over and wish her congratulations.
  • Ethan was born yesterday, December 6th, to Jessica at The Problem with Hope (a password-protected blog). Mom and baby are doing well! You can leave her congratulations here.

1 comment:

The Goddess G said...

NILMDTS is an awesome organization. I can't say enough good things about them or the photogs that generously give of their time. We had a photographer there the day that Joseph was born at no charge to us. We have 200 stunning black and white pictures that will always help us remember him and that day.