Friday, February 29, 2008

Friday's Connections Abound

Welcome to today's edition of Connections Abound. The Face-to-Face Lost and Found page is permanently located beneath this current post. Old Connections Abound can be accessed via the date or subject archives listed on the sidebar. Check the submissions page, FAQ, and ways to get involved for additional information. Email me at with any questions/concerns.

Lost and Found is open to anyone in the
infertility, pregnancy loss, adoption, pregnancy-and-parenting after infertility, assisted conception, living child-free after infertility or loss community (as well as anyone I inadvertently missed on that list). Please support the list as well as anyone posting announcements below.

Connections Abound


  • Calliope is holding a special remembrance today. It is a chance to stop and think about loss on this day that only falls on the calendar once every four years. "If you want to do a February 29th tribute on your blog please check the “participant” box within the comments. This will keep track of all of those using this day to grieve so that we can sit and visit those that need a friend. If you don’t have a blog feel free to share in the comments."
  • Boulder is throwing Akeeyu of herveryown an online baby shower. Click over to Boulder's blog to read about how you can participate--it's very easy; just a few clicks of a button and you can send Akeeyu some much needed love for her new twins (especially after a huge financial blow this year with the bedrest).
  • Live in the Twin Cities area? The Twin Cities IF crowd is meeting in March. Three met in February and they'd like to extend an open invitation to anyone else out there who'd like to come. If you're interested, you can email Baby Steps to Baby Shoes at or contact her through her blog.
  • If you didn't know already, we set up a peer counselor list for infertility, pregnancy loss, and adoption last year. It's a really helpful starting point if you have a quick question on a certain topic. New people can add themselves at any time--just let me know (I need a name, email address, and which categories)--and we can always start new categories. The list is located on my left sidebar over at Stirrup Queens, above Operation Heads Up. All you do is click on a hyperlinked name and it should open up your email program and you can send them an email. Be sure to put Peer Infertility Counselor in the subject line so they know why you're asking the question.
  • If you notice another loading slow down or receive error messages for Stirrup Queens or Lost and Found, please let me know. Now I'm nervous every time I add anything to the side bar!
NEW BLOGS (started in February or March 2008)
  • None Today.
BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES: Celebrate your birthday or blogoversary with the community. Send me dates for March/April right now and I'll post them on the correct day.
  • Not Imitation Cheese had a third loss this year last week. Please go over and support her on Calliope's day of loss.
MISCELLANEOUS SUPPORT AND CELEBRATIONS: Scary scans, anxious waits, OHSS, and a host of other reasons why these bloggers could use some additional support right now. Also, celebrations!
  • Where To Go From Here? has been fighting to receive her son's Certificate of Birth resulting in Stillbirth, which has been denied to her despite the law established that provide this birth certificate. Please go over and give her support while she waits.
  • And I Have to Remind Myself to Smile has a lot on her plate at the moment. Please go over there and give her a hug.
  • Pee-sticks and Stones had a good and bad news salad. She writes: "Yes, my beta was positive. But it was just 24. The nurse said they’d like to see it about double that at this point—9 days past a 5-day transfer." Please go over and give her support as she waits for the next beta.
BEDREST BABES: on bedrest following infertility or loss and needing support. Drop in on them and keep them company.
  • PCOS Baby is over in Ethiopia and has finally met K face-to-face. Go over and wish her congratulations and read a very moving post.
  • Birch and Maple went in to be induced today. No information yet on the birth...


Stacie said...

Congrats to Kim! Baby Bennett is here and he is a cutie!

Amy said...

I got Williams Certificate of Birth resulting in Stillbirth. I posted an update link. Thank you so much for putting me on here.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for mentioning that I may need a hug. this blog world has been a saving grace, truly.