Thursday, February 21, 2008

Thursday's Connections Abound

Welcome to today's edition of Connections Abound. The Face-to-Face Lost and Found page is permanently located beneath this current post. Old Connections Abound can be accessed via the date or subject archives listed on the sidebar. Check the submissions page, FAQ, and ways to get involved for additional information. Email me at with any questions/concerns.

Lost and Found is open to anyone in the
infertility, pregnancy loss, adoption, pregnancy-and-parenting after infertility, assisted conception, living child-free after infertility or loss community (as well as anyone I inadvertently missed on that list). Please support the list as well as anyone posting announcements below.

Connections Abound

  • Have you been looking for a rock star-like position that will bring you plenty of work AND plenty of love? Consider becoming a Clicker for the Lost and Found. What does it entail? Simply clicking down a set section of the blogroll once or twice a week and sending in any news that you find along the way. Don't worry, don't worry, I'll send you an email on what to look for. You're reading blogs anyway, why not have people send you eternal love when they discover that you are the person who brought them tons of support? Email me ( if interested; I can't draw you in Microsoft Paint right now, but I am redoing the Clicker page this weekend to reflect the current Clickers and new Clickers too.
  • Ms. P needs your support and has a question: she is looking for "anyone who may have had abnormal NT results. Yesterday we got the unfortunate news that one of our twins has an abnormal nuchal fold measurement of 3.5mm. I am scheduled to have a CVS tomorrow. I have not had much luck finding info about others' experiences following such results and would love to hear from anyone who has." Please go over there if you can help with information and go over there regardless to give her support while she waits.
  • Tryingin2007 also received abnormal results on her pregnancy, which has been difficult since day one. She is seeking information prior to the amniocentesis in a few weeks on people who have tested positive for an increased risk of Downs Syndrome. She has a lot of information in her top post right now including hCG levels, PAPP-A, and NT. Please go over there if you can help with information and go over there regardless to give her support while she waits.
  • Big news: Infertility Diaries at Redbook has chosen a new blogger and it is our very own JJ from Reproductive Jeans! Go over and cheer her on at Redbook.
  • If you notice another loading slow down or receive error messages for Stirrup Queens or Lost and Found, please let me know. Now I'm nervous every time I add anything to the side bar!
NEW BLOGS (started in January or February 2008)
BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES: Celebrate your birthday or blogoversary with the community. Send me dates for February/March right now and I'll post them on the correct day.
  • Jon at Faith in Fertility's birthday is this weekend--Sunday. And since he is a sassy man of G-d and his birthday is falling on a Sunday this year...well, it seems all the more reason to go over and sing him a song.
  • Lianne is experiencing an early loss right now. Please go over and give her support.
  • Bleu has lost both babies. She is currently miscarrying her twins and needs your support.
MISCELLANEOUS SUPPORT AND CELEBRATIONS: Scary scans, anxious waits, OHSS, and a host of other reasons why these bloggers could use some additional support right now. Also, celebrations!
  • Ms. P is going in for a CVS today. Please go over and give her support.
  • Littleangelkisses is having her transfer today (remember--the frozen egg cycle). Go wish her good luck.
  • Eggs In a Basket is having her retrieval today. She has password protected her blog, but if you want to read along, send her an email.
  • Tigger's new blog is in the New Blog section, but it bears repeating here. Her mother's cancer was found in her liver and she has decided not to continue with treatments. Tigger is having a really hard time right now and could use extra support.
BEDREST BABES: on bedrest following infertility or loss and needing support. Drop in on them and keep them company.
  • No one right now.
  • None today.
  • Heather from Production, Not Reproduction has wonderful news. She has a new daughter, Firefly, who was born on February 15 and place with them for adoption on February 18. Go over and wish her congratulations!


Tigger said...

Thank you, Mel, for putting my blog up on this site. I really appreciate it!

Heather said...

Thanks :)