Welcome to today's edition of Connections Abound. The Face-to-Face Lost and Found page is permanently located beneath this current post. Old Connections Abound can be accessed via the date or subject archives listed on the sidebar. Check the submissions page, FAQ, and ways to get involved for additional information. Email me at thetowncriers@gmail.com with any questions/concerns.
Lost and Found is open to anyone in the infertility, pregnancy loss, adoption, pregnancy-and-parenting after infertility, assisted conception, living child-free after infertility or loss community (as well as anyone I inadvertently missed on that list). Please support the list as well as anyone posting announcements below.
- I have added a few new features on the Lost and Found this week.
- First and foremost, if you have upcoming things that you want announced, you can send them at any time with the date for posting. I started a new online calendar so you can send your birthday months in advance--it doesn't matter anymore. In other words, as you think of things, send them: a birthday in August, a blogoversary in September, surgery scheduled for the beginning of April, etc.
- Second of all, I have started a new category called Loss Remembrances. This can be any type of loss (unnamed baby, child, partner, parent, sibling, friend)--any time that you need extra support and want a person remembered by the whole community. Again, you can send these dates at any point along with names or any other information you want posted (please include the url for your blog) and I will put them up at the correct time. In Judaism, we have a candle we light on the day we honour the person. Traditionally, we light it on the death day, though I know many people who choose instead (regardless of the traditional rules) to light it on the person's birthday because they would rather remember the person's life than death. What I am trying to say is that it is up to you to choose the date or dates. Just let me know when you would like the community to remember with you.
- Lastly, I added the tag line "read and support" because it's not just reading the news; it's also about clicking through and answering questions or giving support or congratulatory words. You may not be able to hit everyone on the list, but pick a few each day. If everyone does this, the love gets spread around.
- Collecting advice for someone: I have a person who is seeking to connect with others who have received the diagnosis of azoospermia (most likely culprit is a blockage in the vas deferens). They are trying to figure out what comes next. If you would be willing to speak to her or want to point her towards your blog, send me an email and I'll forward it along to her.
- Question: Isn't It Pretty to Think So has some questions about RPL testing, specifically the natural killer test, a leukocyte antibody test, and an endometrial function test. Leave her advice on her blog.
- Question: Gas Passer has questions about IVF, follicles, and fertilization rates. Go over and leave answers on her blog.
- Infertility blogger nominated for an award. Go vote for Tertia of So Close for the SA Blog Awards. You can vote for her in the two catagories where she is a finalist - Best Weblog of the Year and Best South African Personal Blog. It is the first and last category.
- Vote: voting has opened up for the Limerick contest. Go over to Weebles Wobblog and vote!
- If you notice another loading slow down or receive error messages for Stirrup Queens or Lost and Found, please let me know. Now I'm nervous every time I add anything to the side bar!
- None Today.
- None Today.
- None Today.
- None Today.
- Square Peg Round Whole has her ER for IVF #4 today. Go wish her luck.
- Empty Uterus Syndrome is also having her ER today. Go wish her luck.
- It is likely that Julia from I Won't Fear Love is moving from insulin resistance to gestational diabetes. The larger fear is having diabetes continue after the pregnancy. Go over and give her support.
- Making Fox Cubs had her sixth IUI this past weekend. Go keep her company during the wait.
- More Than Just Dog Children is also in the wait following an IUI on the weekend. Go keep her company too.
- 9 eggs for Miss E! She is currently waiting the fertilization report. Go over and wish her luck and an easy transfer.
- Losing the Baby Wait is having a hard time after last week's negative and thinking through next steps. Go over and give her a hug.
- Soapchick's IUI is today. Go wish her good luck.
- Infertility Sucks is trucking along through her 4th IVF cycle and it's going very well. Please head over and wish her good luck as she heads into the retrieval zone.
- From Here to Maternity had a terrible meeting with her RE where he has placed IVF has the only option. As her current post title states, she is feeling crushed and could use some support.
- Susan at I'm an Ova-Achiever is now on modified bedrest after a great appointment.
- All Roads Lead to Family is on modified bedrest too.
- From the Peanut Gallery...five heartbeats. At 7 weeks, Sassy saw five heartbeats. She is having quintuplets. All four embryos took and one split. Five. Wow. Five.
- Desperate to Multiply had a great ultrasound--one flickering heartbeat.
- No link, but permission to post some good news. MLO received a positive from IVF #3. She will not be announcing it on the public blog any time soon, but if you want to leave her a note here, she can collect it from this space.
- Danifred at Fertility also got a positive. The first sonogram is scheduled for April 3rd.
- Life's Little Surprises got a positive test this week too!
- Serenity's c-section has been moved to April 1st.
- He's finally here! After staying cocooned in that womb for a few extra days, Baby Boy Inbar (names aren't announced in Judaism until after the bris) arrived on March 8 and Rachel is doing well. Go over and wish them congratulations.
- Ultimate Journey gave birth a few days ago on March 6 to a baby girl, nicknamed Baby A. Go wish them congratulations.
- Dana at Babies and the Journey had boy/girl twins--Macie and Layne--on February 22nd. Everyone is home now and doing well. Go over and wish them congratulations.
MLO, congrats!!!
MLO, glad to read your good news.
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