Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Wednesday's Connections Abound

Welcome to today's edition of Connections Abound. The Face-to-Face Lost and Found page is permanently located beneath this current post. Old Connections Abound can be accessed via the date or subject archives listed on the sidebar. Check the submissions page, FAQ, and ways to get involved for additional information. Email me at with any questions/concerns.

Lost and Found is open to anyone in the infertility, pregnancy loss, adoption, pregnancy-and-parenting after infertility, assisted conception, living child-free after infertility or loss community (as well as anyone I inadvertently missed on that list). Please support the list as well as anyone posting announcements below.

Connections Abound

  • Is it just me or is it veeeeeeeeery quiet out there in the blogosphere today? Talk about a 5 day weekend...
  • Free Book: A non-blogger (but blog reader) has a copy of Helping the Stork to give away. If you don't know the book, it's about donor insemination. If you're interested, leave a note in the comments section or you can email me.
  • Online Baby Shower: Clover is holding an online baby shower for Beagle. If you'd like to participate, you can contact her at 5leafclover at comcast dot net.
  • Request: "I'm looking for people to share with me their stories of how a loss, illness, or even their infertility has transformed their lives. You can read about it in my post called The Phoenix Process at my blog Tales of the Phoenix."
  • IComLeavWe kicked off today. Come on...a measly week is much more do-able than a full month, nu?
  • Found?: I ask with a question mark because she was never really lost, but Infertile, Not Inferior has a new blog called Kate...Uncensored if you have been looking for her. It is listed on the blogroll under Non-IF blogs by IFers.
  • Invite Only: Empty Arms, Longing Heart is starting a new blog that will be password protected. If you wish to be included in the readership you need to contact her. Her contact information is included on her old blog.
  • If you notice another loading slow down or receive error messages for Stirrup Queens or Lost and Found, please let me know. Now I'm nervous every time I add anything to the side bar!
NEW BLOGS (started in May or June 2008)
BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES (celebrate your birthday or blogoversary with the community. Send me date at any point and I'll post them on the correct day)
LOSS REMEMBRANCES (send in the dates of loss anniversaries and I will post them on the correct day)
  • None Today.
MISCELLANEOUS SUPPORT AND CELEBRATIONS (scary scans, anxious waits, OHSS, and a host of other reasons why these bloggers could use some additional support right now. Also, celebratory retrievals, transfers, and other good news)
  • Bec had her hsg done today and they told her she needed to talk to her RE about her results. She could use a few friends to go over and wait with her.
  • Max's oncologist has ordered another round of chemo rather than surgery. Go over and support Vee and Max.
  • Shawn and Jason had a great appointment. Go wish Stacie well!
  • Embryo Motel is having a scare. She has a clot as a result of her CVS and if the clot expands it could cause a miscarriage. Please go over and give her support.
  • Jumping Through the Hoops is having a hard time during the TWW and with other stuff that is going on. She could use some support.
BEDREST BABES: on bedrest following infertility or loss and needing support. Drop in on them and keep them company.
  • Trying is on bedrest due to gestational hypertension and low amniotic fluid.
  • Schatzi is down for the count and will be horizontal the rest of the pregnancy. Her doctor is worried about preeclampsia.
  • When All Else Fails... is on bedrest due to a shortened cervix.
  • Geohde is on increased rest too as she keeps in the twins to 32 weeks.
  • Crowded Uterus Syndrome is on bedrest.
  • Milenka is on bedrest due to low fluid.
  • It Will Happen is on bedrest for a shortened cervix.
  • Gas Passer is on bedrest for the rest of her pregnancy.
  • Morrisa is excited! Doozer is 12 weeks today!
  • Baby Godot passed her 3 hour glucose test.

  • Aspiring Baker gave birth to a boy! Go over and wish her congratulations.
  • It is with enormous pleasure and permission that I get to announce that Beagle has a son! Her blog is invite only, but you can leave her a message on this post.
Read and Support


AwkwardMoments said...

Many Congrats Beagle!

Jendeis said...

Re: Helping the Stork giveaway, I'd love to get my hands on that book. Could we do a group share? If I get the book, I read it and then pass it on to the next person on the list and so on.

I Believe in Miracles said...

Totally think it's quiet too. Happy 4th!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Beagle! I have to love anyone named beagle...