Lost and Found is open to anyone in the infertility, pregnancy loss, adoption, pregnancy-and-parenting after infertility, assisted conception, living child-free after infertility or loss community (as well as anyone I inadvertently missed on that list). Please support the list as well as anyone posting announcements below.
Connections Abound
- Kirtsy'd Pick O' the Day: Please vote for this one from Babymaking 101. While new calendars are sometimes seen as a clean slate, the author shows the other side of how she views a new calendar in regards to her journey to become a parent. How do you vote? Simply by clicking on the words "this one" above and then clicking on the post's title. Why the Kirtsy'd Pick O' the Day? Click on that link in the header navigation bar above for the story. And send me stuff!
- This is the 500th issue of the LFCA. Happy anniversary, little community space. Here's to another 500 posts!
- Kirtsy-able Posts: I need stuff to Kirtsy again for next week. Please send in posts (your own or someone else's) from bloggers who have not been Kirtsy'd before or in a very long time.
- Project: Not that you don’t have plenty of time to get on the Creme de la Creme list (after all, it doesn’t truly close for good until March 1, 2010), but if you want to be guaranteed that you’ll be on the list when it goes up January 1st, you need to have submitted your choice by December 15th. Which is next Tuesday. If you fill out the form after December 15th, you will go up as I keep adding to the list, but you probably won’t be up there when the first wave of people start reading on January 1st. So if you’ve been dragging your heels on picking a post, I’d get on it this weekend.
- Question: Just Me just found out about a chromosomal abnormality and that they'll likely have to use PGD and is feeling overwhelmed and has lots of questions. Please go over and connect with her if you also have a chromosomal abnormality and have used PGD.
- Daily Update: There are currently 156 participants on the Creme de la Creme 2009 list.
- Day of Remembrance: Tash has up information about worldwide candle lighting--"Sunday night is the annual worldwide candlelight service for children who have died." Please click over to read more and see how you can support babylost parents. Tash is willing to carry your child's name with her to the service, and at home, you can "light a candle at 7:00 p.m. your time on Sunday, and join in a wave of candlelight remembering Maddy, and those who made impressions despite their short lifespans, earthside or inside."
- Activism: Burble asks: "Can I ask you all to sign this Sands? It doesn't matter if you are in the UK or not. You can be anonymous, and/or leave a comment. The UK gvt body NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellence) seems to be advocating NOT encouraging parents to see their baby after his or her death. Can I take bets that they didn't talk to any babylost Mums or Dads about this? Please spread the word."
- Forums: If you are not a member of the forums, you will not have access to the LFCA on days when we are utilizing an open thread in the forums instead of posting on this site. Any blog reader or writer can become a member of the forums by clicking here and registering. On days when we don't have the LFCA, it also follows that I'll be slow on approving new members (that whole lack of Internet access thing) so please be patient.
- None Today (more added over the weekend).
- Our Family Beginnings's blogoversary is today. Go wish her congratulations.
- Baking a Cookie's birthday is tomorrow. Go sing her a little song.
- Thursday marks the anniversary of the date when William died and the Sunday after marks the day he came into this world. Please go support Where to Go From Here?
- Baby, Interrupted is approaching her unfulfilled due date.
- Today marks the anniversary of Gabriel's birth and death. Please support Mrs. Spit today.
- M just lost her daughter Jillian, who was born at 24 weeks. She could use some extra support.
- Tally is undergoing her second IUI at her new clinic. Give her some extra good luck for a smooth procedure.
- Michelle's Path may have a chance to adopt her daughter's soon-to-be born sibling, but there are a lot of unknowns and logistical hurdles to make it through first.
- Good Egg Hunting is on bedrest after a bleeding episode. She is 32 weeks and would love some company.
- A Family With Ann Ovulation is whispering the news of a BFP! Still waiting for beta.
- None Today.
Read and Support
Happy 500th LFCA! Thanks so much for doing this, Mel!
Happy 500, LFCA! Mel, you deserve the Nobel Peace Prize for the healing and support and love you make possible every day! You truly are my hero.
Happy 500 Mel. Gabe was born today. (Sorry, I didn't say anything earlier, I thought you had him in your data base o' wonders)
Just wanted to say congrats on the 500th LFCA! Thank you so much for doing this, Mel. I always look forward to reading it every day, and I appreciate it so much when you put up my news.
Woo Hoo! 500 is awesome! Thanks Mel!
Happy 500th!
Happy 500th LFCA! And many more!
Thanks, Mel! You rule!
(And I was just going to ask you to include Mrs. Spit's Gabriel's birthday and anniversary, but I see she's been by already.)
Yay, 500!
Yay, Mel!
Yay, ALI peeples!
You rock. 500 posts - that's pretty freaking cool.
Holy Schnoozles- 500!
Congrats on reaching 500!!
500, wow! wonder woman indeed. you are amazing. say it with me now: "I am magnificent." now remember that.
WOW! 500 is a beautiful number! Congratulations on the wonderful support network you have set up here.
Happy 500th, LFCA!
Assuming there are MANY more out there like me who don't really have a blog and rarely comment, but SO appreciate all the work that goes into the LFCA... THANKS! Happy 500th!!!
Thank you Mel. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Happy 500!!!
Thank you so much Mel. This space rocks.
Wow. 500! That be pretty damn old. Happy 500, LFCA--without you, I would not know what is going on!
Happy 500, Mel and everyone!
Happy 500th LFCA!
Love your work Mel!
I meant to leave a comment yesterday but work intervened (how dare it, lol). Happy 500th, LFCA! And kudos to you, Mel -- this was a brilliant idea!
Happy 500th LFCA! I think this is a great service to our community!
Wow 500! Way to go Mel!!
I'm late, but happy 500 - you are so appreciated.
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