Here's how it works:
- Leave news below in the comment section. Make sure you include the category before you write the news (Miscellaneous News, Birthdays or Anniversaries, Loss Remembrances, Loss Announcements, Miscellaneous Support, Bed Rest Babes, Pregnancy Announcements, or Birth/Adoption Announcements.)
- Important: Just like the real LFCA, do not add new blogs to this list. They will not be put on the blogroll. To add a blog to the blogroll, please email me the link as well as which category would be the best fit. Once added to the blogroll, it will also be added to the new blog section of the LFCA if it fits the current time frame.
- Try to add your news in this format: Category: Blog Name (linked) Rest of blurb. For example: Support: Stirrup Queens is putting up a DIY version of the LFCA. Go leave news in the comment box. The html to write your blurb like that is in this red box:
If you can't write your comment using the html format, simply cut and paste the url for the blog within the comment so people can go over. More important to get out the news than to have it look orderly.
I have the comments monitored right now because I'm away from my computer for large chunks of time, but have email by phone, so it's easier to hit approve from the phone than it is to dive into the comment section and remove spam (sadly, a daily occurrence). There may be a lag between leaving a comment and seeing it go up, but it will go up.
Support: Jo of Finding her Way recently received some devastating medical diagnoses. Lots of big decisions coming up and she would love some support.
Bionic Mamas will have their first ER on Saturday. Your general support, "it was no big deal"-type ER stories, and good wishes on avoiding OHSS are very appreciated!
Support: Hope4Joy is coping with her recent failed FET (after two failed IVFs). She's looking for books or other resources that will help her get through this. Please drop by and offer some suggestions or good thoughts.
Question for Mel: will news that's been submitted Since the last LFCA and prior to the open thread be posted at a later date? I just want to know if I should resubmit te batch I sent yesterday.
Support: Brooke delivered her baby boy at 16 weeks in May. She just started to blog again and could use some support as she struggles with her grief over the loss of her son.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Yes, all things on the spreadsheet will be uploaded when the next LFCA goes up, but if you want it here too, leave it in the comment section. It only works in one direction--anything on the spreadsheet can also be listed here, but things listed here won't necessarily make it into the next LFCA unless added to the spreadsheet.
Support: Bon of I Can Haz Bebe? just received the disappointing news that her daughter, Story, who was scheduled to come home in June, will not be coming home until August. Please abide with her.
Support: Mrs. Lemon is let down by her RE. She is looking into finding a new one and is willing to travel. She needs the wisdom available from all of LFCA. Can you please go by and share your experiences?
Support: Adele of Delinquent Eggs ( has just learned that her pregnancy only has a 10% chance of viability. Please stop over and offer your support as she deals with this prognosis and RPL.
Jo of MoJo Working is still timidly treading the water of early pregnancy after struggles with infertility and feeling unsure of all the "What IFs" that still remain. Go help her remain afloat.
Glass Case of Emotion had her Methotrexate appointment today and is physically and emotionally exhausted from the experience. She could use some support right now.
Celebration: It's a wooden (5 year) wedding anniversary for Hillary at Making Me Mom.
Support: PCOS Chick received a bevvy of both good and bad news post-op and could use a lot of support as she researches her best and worst-case scenarios.
Mo had her retrieval today. Stop by and offer words of encouragement as we wait for an update.
PJ had her babies! Head on over and wish her congratulations!
Loss Remembrance: Tears Are For Babiesis having an incredibly hard weekend, as Monday is her would-be due date and she'll be spending Sunday with relatives and a plethora of new babies while remembering her loss. Please go remember with her.
Loss Announcements: Heather and Laurie at Creating a Miracle are devastated after an ultrasound this morning confirmed the loss they feared. Please stop by and give them some support.
Support: Megan and Brent just lost their baby Cohen born last week with heart disease. Megan also struggled with PCOS.
Loss: Keeping My Eyes on Jesus just had a miscarriage. Please visit her and offer her support.
Support: It Just Take One has hit her EDD today and needs as many good words as she can get. Please drop by.
Melissa's second beta did not increase as hoped and she is devastated. She'll have a third beta today. Please send her good thoughts.
Support: Please go give Rebecca some much needed love as she just learned her miracle non-medicated pregnancy has ended at 11.5 weeks and she needs to make some difficult decisions.
Anniversary: Kristen at Sticky But Sweet and her husband are celebrating their 4th wedding anniversary.
Anniversary: Jessica at Anderson Happenings and her husband are celebrating their 7th wedding anniversary.
Support: Kristin of
just found out she has a UTI a few days before her transfer for her second attempt at IVF. She is worried that it won't clear up and her transfer will have to be canceled.
Support: Only two of the 12 eggs fertilized for Love Comes First, but both of them made it to transfer and looked great. Keep her company as she begins the Wait Until Beta.
PG Announcement: Holy moly, it's triplets for Jenny!
PG Announcement: It's a BFP for Amy!
Celebration: Patience is celebrating 14 years of marriage today. Go share in the celebration!
Billy's baby girl was born last Wednesday. Her family is driving her a little crazy as she recovers from the birth and is trying to get to know her daughter. Go give her some love and maybe share some of your crazy family stories so she won't feel alone.
Support: Wish Just the Dark Before the Morning luck as she and her husband go in for retrieval and TESE on Wednesday.
Loss: Please send love & support to Adele at Delinquent Eggs who just miscarried.
Loss announcement: After a promising first 10 weeks, Jo of MoJo Working is experiencing her second miscarriage. She is truly broken by this experience, and could use a flood of support and love right now.
Tuesday was Kymberli's 14th Anniversary! It's not too late to stop by and wish her congratulations.
Support: Andie didn't get the answers she was looking for from her lap surgery. She could use some support.
After 7 1/2 years of infertility, 1 miscarriage, Jo just lost her baby from a FET at about 11 weeks.
Tuesday was Jem's Anniversary! She also triggered for IVF #2 that day. Stop by and wish her both congratulations and good luck!
Kristin is feeling down today. Head on over and share a laugh or favorite quote to help cheer her up again.
Pregnancy News: Fran of just had her 9 week scan of "Baby Elvis" and he passed with flying colors! Please go and offer her support and congratulations as she waits for her next scan on July 6th.
Pregnancy Update: That should be Fran of Everyone Else but Me. I don't know how to create a link so her website is Sorry about that!
Deanna of Mis(sed) Conception is PUPO after a transfer of two great looking embryos!
Loss Announcements: Krystal learned at her ultrasound today that her baby stopped growing at 7w5d and a heartbeat could not be found.
Meg of The Long & Winding Road had a great beta #4. Go hold her hand and lend her your support as she waits for the u/s tomorrow to detect a heartbeat.
Lis of built in birth control lost her beautiful twin girls in October 2010 at twenty weeks. She had a BFN with IVF #2 in May and is now doing the TWW with her FET #1 with embryos left over from her daughters' cycle. Please go provide her some much needed support as she waits for her beta on July 5th. Her site is
Congrats to Jess of A Little Blog about the big Infertility who has just reached 100 followers! Also please give her support as she heads back to work after suffering an ectopic with her 3rd IVF earlier this month. Her site is
Anniversary: It's's 5th wedding anniversary this weekend. Go tell her congratulations!
PG Announcement: Can I toot my own horn here? After trying for almost 2 years, and 5 miscarriages..We just found out we are expecting..I've had two betas (46 & 104) and we've got our U/S scheduled for July 8th!! We are cautiously optimistic!!
PG Announcement: Can I toot my own horn here? After almost 2 years of trying and 5 losses..We just found out we are pregnant..I've had two great betas, and we have our U/S scheduled for July 8th..We are cautiously optimistic!!
Support: Mama2Bee had her 1st egg retrieval today and is hoping to transfer on Monday. Would love some support & encouragement xx
Anniversary: This week was Wishing4One's 14th wedding anniversary. Go celebrate with her!
I'm tooting my own horn! I will have an essay published in an anthology on stillbirth, set to come out in Nov/Dec. this year. The book, They Were Still Born, is now available for pre-order on Amazon. I don't know how to do a link in comments (sorry!) but you can find more info over at my blog,
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