Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Wednesday's Connections Abound

Welcome to today's edition of Connections Abound. The Face-to-Face Lost and Found page is permanently located beneath this current post. Old Connections Abound can be accessed via the date or subject archives listed on the sidebar. Check the submissions page, FAQ, and ways to get involved for additional information. Email me at with any questions/concerns.

Lost and Found is open to anyone in the infertility, pregnancy loss, adoption, pregnancy-and-parenting after infertility, assisted conception, living child-free after infertility or loss community (as well as anyone I inadvertently missed on that list). Please support the list as well as anyone posting announcements below.

Connections Abound


  • Tomorrow is A New Day! Please help out Allison.
  • Looking for Blogs: "I'm 41, dealing with secondary infertility. Am relatively new to this world, just having been given high fsh results (29) on Friday...I was looking for blogs specifically by women in situations similar to mine." So...over 40 and high FSH--if you write a blog that fits the bill, leave your blog url in the comments section below so this person can begin reading along.
  • Question: Confessions of a Paranoid Parent says, "I had my FET on May 22, and have extremely faint HPTs from yesterday and today (5 & 6 DPT), with lines that don't seem to be getting any darker. I'm trying neither to get my hopes up nor to panic, but I'd love to hear from other people who did FETs and how things turned out (especially if they're impatient like me)." Please go over and give her support as well as your thoughts.
  • Question: Somehow, Someway has questions she should ask for her upcoming consult to start IVF. Please offer some suggestions.
  • Must-Read Post: Slaying, Blogging, Whatever has a post about the kindergarten teacher who voted the child out of the classroom.
  • Are you commenting? NaComLeavMo kicked off yesterday--5 comments a day + 1 returned comment (or 6 comments total if you didn't get any new comments). Plus 214-ish comments once a week to be an Iron Commentor (are there any strong of heart and strong of clicking finger out there?).
  • If you notice another loading slow down or receive error messages for Stirrup Queens or Lost and Found, please let me know. Now I'm nervous every time I add anything to the side bar!
NEW BLOGS (started in April or May 2008)
BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES (celebrate your birthday or blogoversary with the community. Send me date at any point and I'll post them on the correct day)
LOSS REMEMBRANCES (send in the dates of loss anniversaries and I will post them on the correct day)
  • Brooke is remembering Caden, as yesterday marked three months after losing him.
  • Today is the EDD of Tina's first loss. Please go by My Many Blessings and give her a hug.
  • None Today.
MISCELLANEOUS SUPPORT AND CELEBRATIONS (scary scans, anxious waits, OHSS, and a host of other reasons why these bloggers could use some additional support right now. Also, celebratory retrievals, transfers, and other good news)
BEDREST BABES: on bedrest following infertility or loss and needing support. Drop in on them and keep them company.
  • Wielecki Twins is on bedrest with high blood pressure.
  • Trying is on bedrest due to gestational hypertension and low amniotic fluid.
  • Tracy is on modified bedrest and will probably remain like this for the remainder of the pregnancy.
  • Schatzi is on "increased rest" and will most likely be on bedrest for a large portion of her pregnancy.
  • When All Else Fails... is on bedrest due to a shortened cervix.
  • Geohde is on increased rest too as she keeps in the twins to 32 weeks.
  • Crowded Uterus Syndrome is on bedrest.
  • Antigone Lost had a good ultrasound and saw the heartbeat.
  • Will They Have His Eyes? is having an important ultrasound today to determine the viability. Please go give her a lot of support.
  • Nancy had a great ultrasound yesterday--one baby on board.
  • None Today.
Read and Support


Anonymous said...

Just a comment for the new blogger looking for info on high FSH - I don't have experience with this personally but I just started reading the book Inconceivable by Julia Indichova, a woman who had a FSH of 42 and later went on to carry a baby to term. I'm only on page 12 or something, but it's good so far. :)

tryingin2007 said...

I'm 40 and also have high FSH. I was a very poor responder as well. it took 4 tries at IVF but I'm 26w5d pregnant with our miracle baby. Inconceivable is a great book and I also highly suggest acupuncture and changing your diet. you can email me directly from my blog.