Lost and Found is open to anyone in the infertility, pregnancy loss, adoption, pregnancy-and-parenting after infertility, assisted conception, living child-free after infertility or loss community (as well as anyone I inadvertently missed on that list). Please support the list as well as anyone posting announcements below.
Connections Abound
- This weekend, I told Josh that I get two lie-ins because I cleaned up all of the ChickieNob's vomit from the stomach flu on Thursday. I am going to sleep and sleep and sleep. And then sleep some more.
- Haiku Contest: Angie Best-Boss will soon be rolling out the 1st International Infertility Haiku Contest (with cash prizes). Seriously.
- Question: Finding Motherhood writes, "I am having serious anxiety issues over delivering my first baby. Are you able to refuse an IV during labor in your average hospital? Refuse all drugs? Refuse an espisiotemy? I am deathly afraid of needles and wish to avoid them if they are not necessary. Please help!" Please go to her blog if you have an answer.
- Barren Bitches (and Man-Pie) Book Brigade is reading Harriet the Spy. Join along.
- Um...hello...did you check out the new stuff happening with U.T.E.R.U.S.?
- Bridges continues to post daily. And it continues to be an amazing resource for insight into a multitude of worlds. And I'm not just saying that because I work on it.
- If you notice another loading slow down or receive error messages for Stirrup Queens or Lost and Found, please let me know. Now I'm nervous every time I add anything to the side bar!
- Broken Bits (IVF, molar pregnancy)
- Yoka from Road to Adopt celebrated her fourth year of marriage on Thursday. Go wish them congratulations.
- Stacie's boys turn one on Monday. Go wish her congratulations on the first year.
- It's Topcat's "clean" birthday--her rebirth with sobriety. Go over and roar some birthday love at her because she needs to hear how important this date is.
- Drop by and wish NYEboy a happy birthday.
- Cecily will be remembering her twins, Nicholas and Zachary, this upcoming Sunday. Please go over and give her support.
- Niki has finally started to bleed and cramp from her miscarriage. She's also found out that seven of her close friends are pregnant. She could use a little extra love.
- IVF Drama Unscripted is having her FET today. Go wish her good luck.
- Samantha's grandfather has been diagnosed with colon cancer. Please go give her support.
- A good friend of Kathy from Baby Bound just died, and she could use some support.
- Michelle from The Birds and the Bees... and a Petri Dish got a BFN for FET #1. Please head over and give her some support.
- Shinejil has some good news about her dad's prostate cancer and her husband's recent health problems. Head on over and breathe a sigh of relief with her.
- The night before her second D&C, Jamie came home to find that one of their cats had been shot. He is still at the vets and at risk of developing infection. On top of that, she had an unnerving run-in with an unkind neighbor over their cat.
- Caba has the official yes from the fertility clinic to start her surrogacy cycle. She is acting as a gestational carrier for her sister (who has breast cancer). She is starting her BCPs this week!
- The Angry Infertile's appointment did not go well today. Her RE has recommended one more IUI, then a move to IVF. Please send her some support.
- An all-around shitty week for A Sibling for Celia. Go over and give her a hug.
- Lori is in the TWW again with her 5th IUI. Wish her luck.
- Alicia's social worker did not recommend them for adoption. Though they are currently pregnant, it was a deep blow.
- Ten Times Crazier is in the hospital on bedrest for contractions and her cervix is dilating. She will be in the hospital until 34 weeks or until the twins come.
- Gas Passer is on bedrest for the rest of her pregnancy.
- A Uterus Divided is on bedrest.
- The Duchess is on bedrest.
- CC at Inconceivable No More got a fetal fibronectin test and so is on modified bedrest for at least the next two week. Go keep her company.
- Motherhood (the not so easy road) has an initial beta of 43, and is cautiously optimistic that those numbers double on Friday's test. She could use some extra prayers and love. This comes quickly after the birth of Lil' P in May, so she's hoping for a second miracle this year.
- Busted is pregnant and there are obviously some huge emotions rolling around. Go wish her congratulations and give her a hug while you're there.
- Tobacco Brunette gave birth to a boy, Owen, on October 23. Go over and wish her congratulations.
- Ray and Andi had a c-section scheduled for Wednesday. More information when they post again.
Read and Support
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