Monday, August 31, 2009

442nd Issue of the LFCA

Welcome to today's edition of Connections Abound. The point to Lost and Found is to level the support playing field. When LFCA works correctly, the newest blogger with the smallest readership can receive the same level of support as the oldest blogger with the largest readership. Anyone can submit news to LFCA by clicking here.

Lost and Found is open to anyone in the
infertility, pregnancy loss, adoption, pregnancy-and-parenting after infertility, assisted conception, living child-free after infertility or loss community (as well as anyone I inadvertently missed on that list). Please support the list as well as anyone posting announcements below.

Connections Abound

  • Kirtsy'd Pick O' the Day: Please vote for this one from A Fifth Season. A thoughtful examination of compassion, our difficulties extending it to others and a reminder to apply it everywhere and not just in our familiar spaces. How do you vote? Simply by clicking on the words "this one" above and then clicking on the post's title. Why the Kirtsy'd Pick O' the Day? Click on that link in the header navigation bar above for the story. And send me stuff!
  • The new IComLeavWe list is open for the month of September.
  • Etsy: Living without Sophia and Ellie has opened an Etsy shop to sell her beautiful jewelry. She's even offering free shipping on her first fifteen orders!
  • Fundraiser: Parenthood for Me has partnered with Lisa from Ellebows and More. She created a hairclip designed especially for PFM. $1.50 will be donated for every hairclip purchased.
  • Support and Advice: Baby To Be has just had some scary trips to the ER, and she would appreciate hearing from people who have dealt with subchorionic hematoma.
  • Question: Angie is looking for information on the use of Clomid for MFI. Please stop by and share your story with her.
  • Advice: Kate is starting Lovenox injections and is wondering if anyone has suggestions on how to ease the bruising and pain or any other tips related to Lovenox.
  • Forums: If you are not a member of the forums, you will not have access to the LFCA on days when we are utilizing an open thread in the forums instead of posting on this site. Any blog reader or writer can become a member of the forums by clicking here and registering. On days when we don't have the LFCA, it also follows that I'll be slow on approving new members (that whole lack of Internet access thing) so please be patient.
NEW BLOGS (started in July or August 2009)
  • None Today.
BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES (celebrate your birthday or blogoversary with the community. Send me date at any point and I'll post them on the correct day)
  • Building Heavenly Bridges is celebrating her blogoversary early next week. Go over and wish her congratulations.
  • Squeaker's birthday is next Monday. Go wish Sami congratulations.
  • Our Own Creation is celebrating her anniversary next Friday. Go over and wish them congratulations.
  • A Fifth Season is celebrating her blogoversary. Go tell her that you appreciate her.
  • Finding Family with Empty Arms celebrated her anniversary this weekend. Go wish them congratulations.
LOSS REMEMBRANCES (send in the dates of loss anniversaries and I will post them on the correct day)
  • None Today.
MISCELLANEOUS SUPPORT AND CELEBRATIONS (scary scans, anxious waits, OHSS, and a host of other reasons why these bloggers could use some additional support right now. Also, celebratory retrievals, transfers, and other good news)
  • Only Half Nuts reached her 300th post!
  • Adding To The Pack is scheduled for lap surgery on Monday.
  • Taking the Statistical Bullet has reached 500 posts!
  • Please continue to support Mrs. Gamgee who lost her FIL last week. Today would have been his 52nd anniversary to her MIL. Please keep your thoughts with the family.
  • M transferred two embryos on Saturday. Keep her company during the Wait Until Beta.
  • The expectant mother matched with Crable Family Adventures has opted not to continue planning an adoption. Leave them a word of support as they deal with their disappointment.
BEDREST BABES: on bedrest following infertility or loss and needing support. Drop in on them and keep them company.
  • Michele received the news that Bobby was having SVT on Tuesday. With medication it has gotten a little better, but he is still having arythmia. Unfortunately the medication is wreaking havoc with Michelle's already high blood sugar so she will also have to go on insulin therapy. The good news is that Maya is still doing well and it looks like the babies won't be making their entrance any time soon.
  • Devon is home, but still on bedrest.
  • Carrie of Tubeless in Seattle has been released from the hospital and is back at home on bedrest, awaiting her triplet boys.
  • Jamie was recently released off hospital bedrest but is now on modified bedrest at home.
  • Baby Smiling In Back Seat has been admitted to the hospital due to premature labor at 28 weeks. The babies are doing well. The drugs seem to be stopping labor for now.
  • After a scary hospital visit at 24 weeks, Chelle is on modified bed rest. Her restrictions will increase as time goes on to try to avoid preeclampsia and keep her twin girls growing inside her as long as possible. The girls are doing great.
  • Sunny has her first ultrasound today. Go give her good thoughts.
  • Murgdan's beta is actually today. Go over to hear the number.
  • Niobe's surrogate, Trish is having an ultrasound today to check for a heartbeat.
  • Gil has given birth to a daughter, Trinity. Go over and tell her congratulations.
  • Melbagirl has delivered twin boys. Go over and wish her congratulations.
Read and Support

Friday, August 28, 2009

441st Issue of the LFCA

Welcome to today's edition of Connections Abound. The point to Lost and Found is to level the support playing field. When LFCA works correctly, the newest blogger with the smallest readership can receive the same level of support as the oldest blogger with the largest readership. Anyone can submit news to LFCA by clicking here.

Lost and Found is open to anyone in the
infertility, pregnancy loss, adoption, pregnancy-and-parenting after infertility, assisted conception, living child-free after infertility or loss community (as well as anyone I inadvertently missed on that list). Please support the list as well as anyone posting announcements below.

Connections Abound

  • Kirtsy'd Pick O' the Day: Please vote for this one from Run Amok Amok. The author expands the definitions of phrases such as "reproductive rights" and "family planning." How do you vote? Simply by clicking on the words "this one" above and then clicking on the post's title. Why the Kirtsy'd Pick O' the Day? Click on that link in the header navigation bar above for the story. And send me stuff!
  • IComLeavWe ends today. Finish up your commenting and let me know if you made Iron Commenter.
  • Raffle: Life According to Leah will be having a fabulous raffle on Friday, August 28th. 100% of the proceeds will go to her adoption fund. Please stop by Leah's blog on Friday to see a couple fabulous gifts that are up for raffle. You won't want to miss it.
  • Question: Baby Hungry is looking for some feedback on OPKs. Please share any input you have with her.
  • Off-Topic: Pam writes: "I know this is a shameful plug for myself, and a non-IF one at that. I'd really appreciate it if your readers could click this link and help me out with the contest to win my DH hockey tickets (I've dropped to 5th). We're down to the last three days and you can vote once a day. Please? Thank you!"
  • Project: Do you want to add your voice to the US health care debate--but want to be heard over the shouting? Journeywoman has an idea--click through and help out!
  • Congratulations: Weebles Wobblog is in the September/October issue of Adoptive Families magazine. Go wish her congratulations and get your copy of the issue.
  • Magazine: The beautiful Sept/Nov issue of Exhale is now available online. This issue features Brenda Phillips' post-baby-loss artwork; Melissa Ford's new book, Navigating the Land of IF; and compelling poetry and prose by baby-lost and IF-mommas from around the world.
  • Submissions: Exhale Call for Submissions: LEVITY - Laughter as therapy? Heck yeah! Exhale is looking for your light pieces - poetry, essays, art, and photography - for our next Nov/Dec) issue, which will have a Levity theme. Where have you found humor in the darnedest places? What has made you crack a smile when you didn't think you could? View our submissions guidelines at ( to send us your work. Submissions deadline for the next issue OCTOBER 15th, 2009.
  • Forums: If you are not a member of the forums, you will not have access to the LFCA on days when we are utilizing an open thread in the forums instead of posting on this site. Any blog reader or writer can become a member of the forums by clicking here and registering. On days when we don't have the LFCA, it also follows that I'll be slow on approving new members (that whole lack of Internet access thing) so please be patient.
NEW BLOGS (started in July or August 2009)
BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES (celebrate your birthday or blogoversary with the community. Send me date at any point and I'll post them on the correct day)
  • Building Heavenly Bridges is celebrating her blogoversary early next week. Go over and wish her congratulations.
  • Squeaker's birthday is next Monday. Go wish Sami congratulations.
  • Our Own Creation is celebrating her anniversary next Friday. Go over and wish them congratulations.
  • Emily's 30th birthday is Saturday! Unfortunately some internet bullies have forced her to password protect her posts so if you aren't able to leave a birthday wish for her on her blog, leave one here!
  • The Baby Makin Chronicles just celebrated her wedding anniversary this past Wednesday. Share some love with her and C-Dub!
  • Michele celebrated her blogoversary this week. Go wish her congratulations.
LOSS REMEMBRANCES (send in the dates of loss anniversaries and I will post them on the correct day)
MISCELLANEOUS SUPPORT AND CELEBRATIONS (scary scans, anxious waits, OHSS, and a host of other reasons why these bloggers could use some additional support right now. Also, celebratory retrievals, transfers, and other good news)
  • Infertility Sucks has had a doctor's appointment that's brought both good and bad news. Please go and give her some support.
  • Apron Strings needs an enormous amount of support right now as she ends her marriage. Please go over and give her kind words.
  • An Unwanted Path is having a very hard time right now and could use some support as she faces the coming anniversary of her baby's EDD.
  • A Family with Ann Ovulation has entered the WUB - sit with her as she waits.
  • Eye Heart Internet is fresh from her lovely Corsican vacation and now has a houseguest visiting: her younger sister, who is "just 20, knocked up, just off cocaine and doesn’t know who her baby daddy is. And in/out of an abusive relationship." Give Sassy some love while she spends this time with her and undergoes a host of testing at her doctor's orders.
  • Finding Family's current cycle was canceled by her doc last week and she has since started her period. It's been a tough month with lots of ups and downs. She could use some support.
  • ME at We Are What We Repeatedly Do could use some serious love - of the 18 eggs they retrieved, she only has 6 embryos to show for it. She is pretty upset.
  • Barren Mare is getting married on Saturday. Go wish her congratulations.
  • Hold My Hope is having her transfer on Saturday. Go wish her good thoughts.
  • The sister and brother who lived (and laughed and loved) with Full Circle for seven months as foster children have moved in to a relative's home. Go sit with Melissa as she remembers.
  • M received the news that 10 eggs fertilized. She is scheduled for transfer on Saturday.
  • C by the Sea is scheduled for transfer on Monday.
BEDREST BABES: on bedrest following infertility or loss and needing support. Drop in on them and keep them company.
  • Michele received the news that Bobby was having SVT on Tuesday. With medication it has gotten a little better, but he is still having arythmia. Unfortunately the medication is wreaking havoc with Michelle's already high blood sugar so she will also have to go on insulin therapy. The good news is that Maya is still doing well and it looks like the babies won't be making their entrance any time soon.
  • Devon is home, but still on bedrest.
  • Carrie of Tubeless in Seattle has been put on hospital bedrest until the triplets are born. Please send her support as she awaits her boys.
  • Jamie was recently released off hospital bedrest but is now on modified bedrest at home.
  • Baby Smiling In Back Seat has been admitted to the hospital due to premature labor at 28 weeks. The babies are doing well. The drugs seem to be stopping labor for now.
  • After a scary hospital visit at 24 weeks, Chelle is on modified bed rest. Her restrictions will increase as time goes on to try to avoid preeclampsia and keep her twin girls growing inside her as long as possible. The girls are doing great.
  • Sunny has her first ultrasound on Monday. Go give her good thoughts.
  • Baby Mama Drama got a BFP this week after IVF #2. Her first beta looked good and more to come.
  • NoodleGirl, formerly of On and Ongoing, is pregnant on a break cycle between IVFs! You can now follow her journey at Peanut Noodle.
  • Tara at Divine Secrets of the Infertility Sisterhood recently found out that her baby is a girl. Do a happy dance with her!
  • Ezra's Mommy is having a healthy boy!
  • The Baby Chase saw two heartbeats! Go wish her congratulations.
  • The FET worked and Murgdan is pregnant!
  • Gil will update when Petit is here, but as of her last post, she was going to push last night. Go go Gil!
Read and Support

Thursday, August 27, 2009

440th Issue of the LFCA

Welcome to today's edition of Connections Abound. The point to Lost and Found is to level the support playing field. When LFCA works correctly, the newest blogger with the smallest readership can receive the same level of support as the oldest blogger with the largest readership. Anyone can submit news to LFCA by clicking here.

Lost and Found is open to anyone in the
infertility, pregnancy loss, adoption, pregnancy-and-parenting after infertility, assisted conception, living child-free after infertility or loss community (as well as anyone I inadvertently missed on that list). Please support the list as well as anyone posting announcements below.

Connections Abound

  • Kirtsy'd Pick O' the Day: Please vote for this one from Plan B: Family of Two. The author overhears women at a nearby table picking apart the lives of a childless couple they all know and explains how she hears the conversation as a woman living child-free after infertility. How do you vote? Simply by clicking on the words "this one" above and then clicking on the post's title. Why the Kirtsy'd Pick O' the Day? Click on that link in the header navigation bar above for the story. And send me stuff!
  • Off-Topic: Pam writes: "I know this is a shameful plug for myself, and a non-IF one at that. I'd really appreciate it if your readers could click this link and help me out with the contest to win my DH hockey tickets (I've dropped to 5th). We're down to the last three days and you can vote once a day. Please? Thank you!"
  • Project: Do you want to add your voice to the US health care debate--but want to be heard over the shouting? Journeywoman has an idea--click through and help out!
  • Congratulations: Weebles Wobblog is in the September/October issue of Adoptive Families magazine. Go wish her congratulations and get your copy of the issue.
  • Magazine: The beautiful Sept/Nov issue of Exhale is now available online. This issue features Brenda Phillips' post-baby-loss artwork; Melissa Ford's new book, Navigating the Land of IF; and compelling poetry and prose by baby-lost and IF-mommas from around the world.
  • Submissions: Exhale Call for Submissions: LEVITY - Laughter as therapy? Heck yeah! Exhale is looking for your light pieces - poetry, essays, art, and photography - for our next Nov/Dec) issue, which will have a Levity theme. Where have you found humor in the darnedest places? What has made you crack a smile when you didn't think you could? View our submissions guidelines at ( to send us your work. Submissions deadline for the next issue OCTOBER 15th, 2009.
  • Project: In Due Time has finally made her big announcement! She's just opened a new chat site for the ALI community called ALI Gab. Please drop by and congratulate her on her achievement.
  • Project: Cara, founding director of Share Southern Vermont is knee deep in preparations for their next two events, participation in the National Wave of Light on October 15th, and their first annual Bowling for Babies fundraiser in November. The amount of loss southern Vermont has seen lately is devestating and they are down to their last four memory boxes. If you have the skills and would consider making a few for the group please click over to read the press release. They are also looking for people willing to crochet angel ornaments for their holiday drive that will kick off at the Bowling for Babies event. Images of both the box and the ornaments are in the post.
  • Blog Closing: Trials and Tribulations on an Infertile Man is closing his blog. Please go over to say goodbye.
  • Forums: If you are not a member of the forums, you will not have access to the LFCA on days when we are utilizing an open thread in the forums instead of posting on this site. Any blog reader or writer can become a member of the forums by clicking here and registering. On days when we don't have the LFCA, it also follows that I'll be slow on approving new members (that whole lack of Internet access thing) so please be patient.
NEW BLOGS (started in July or August 2009)
BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES (celebrate your birthday or blogoversary with the community. Send me date at any point and I'll post them on the correct day)
LOSS REMEMBRANCES (send in the dates of loss anniversaries and I will post them on the correct day)
  • None Today.
  • None Today.
MISCELLANEOUS SUPPORT AND CELEBRATIONS (scary scans, anxious waits, OHSS, and a host of other reasons why these bloggers could use some additional support right now. Also, celebratory retrievals, transfers, and other good news)
  • Shannon is starting stims on Thursday for her first IVF/ICSI. All positive thoughts and energy anyone could spare would be great. She is very nervous/anxious/excited to go through this process.
BEDREST BABES: on bedrest following infertility or loss and needing support. Drop in on them and keep them company.
  • Michele received the news that Bobby was having SVT on Tuesday. With medication it has gotten a little better, but he is still having arythmia. Unfortunately the medication is wreaking havoc with Michelle's already high blood sugar so she will also have to go on insulin therapy. The good news is that Maya is still doing well and it looks like the babies won't be making their entrance any time soon.
  • Devon is home, but still on bedrest.
  • Carrie of Tubeless in Seattle has been put on hospital bedrest until the triplets are born. Please send her support as she awaits her boys.
  • Jamie was recently released off hospital bedrest but is now on modified bedrest at home.
  • Baby Smiling In Back Seat has been admitted to the hospital due to premature labor at 28 weeks. The babies are doing well. The drugs seem to be stopping labor for now.
  • After a scary hospital visit at 24 weeks, Chelle is on modified bed rest. Her restrictions will increase as time goes on to try to avoid preeclampsia and keep her twin girls growing inside her as long as possible. The girls are doing great.
  • Maybe Baby got a BFP on Tuesday. She's had two losses this year and is nervous about this one. Please send her support and hope.
  • Congratulations to Janna and Jon on the long-awaited finalization of Little Bit's adoption!
  • Vee and Max have welcomed Baby Leo into the world. Go over and wish them congratulations.
Read and Support

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

439th Issue of the LFCA

Welcome to today's edition of Connections Abound. The point to Lost and Found is to level the support playing field. When LFCA works correctly, the newest blogger with the smallest readership can receive the same level of support as the oldest blogger with the largest readership. Anyone can submit news to LFCA by clicking here.

Lost and Found is open to anyone in the
infertility, pregnancy loss, adoption, pregnancy-and-parenting after infertility, assisted conception, living child-free after infertility or loss community (as well as anyone I inadvertently missed on that list). Please support the list as well as anyone posting announcements below.

Connections Abound

  • Kirtsy'd Pick O' the Day: Please vote for this one from Moving on to the Next Plan. The author says it perfect herself: "But the pain of being told, as the culmination of 16 cycles of raised hopes and crushing disappointment, that I will never become a mother without the help of a hefty dose of science - and maybe not even with it - is something that I think has changed me for ever.". How do you vote? Simply by clicking on the words "this one" above and then clicking on the post's title. Why the Kirtsy'd Pick O' the Day? Click on that link in the header navigation bar above for the story. And send me stuff!
  • Project: In Due Time has finally made her big announcement! She's just opened a new chat site for the ALI community called ALI Gab. Please drop by and congratulate her on her achievement.
  • Project: Cara, founding director of Share Southern Vermont is knee deep in preparations for their next two events, participation in the National Wave of Light on October 15th, and their first annual Bowling for Babies fundraiser in November. The amount of loss southern Vermont has seen lately is devestating and they are down to their last four memory boxes. If you have the skills and would consider making a few for the group please click over to read the press release. They are also looking for people willing to crochet angel ornaments for their holiday drive that will kick off at the Bowling for Babies event. Images of both the box and the ornaments are in the post.
  • Blog Closing: Trials and Tribulations on an Infertile Man is closing his blog. Please go over to say goodbye.
  • Question: A blogger is looking to connect with those in their mid-40s who are doing treatments or are trying unassisted with their eggs (in other words, not using donor eggs). If you fit this description, will you leave your blog url in the comments below so she can begin reading your story?
  • Question: Gwinne's new IVF protocol will involve 7 days of Ganirelix prior to starting stims. She's wondering if anyone has been on a similar protocol. Feel free to email her at or stop by her blog.
  • Forums: If you are not a member of the forums, you will not have access to the LFCA on days when we are utilizing an open thread in the forums instead of posting on this site. Any blog reader or writer can become a member of the forums by clicking here and registering. On days when we don't have the LFCA, it also follows that I'll be slow on approving new members (that whole lack of Internet access thing) so please be patient.
NEW BLOGS (started in July or August 2009)
  • None Today (adding a bunch soon)
BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES (celebrate your birthday or blogoversary with the community. Send me date at any point and I'll post them on the correct day)
LOSS REMEMBRANCES (send in the dates of loss anniversaries and I will post them on the correct day)
  • Just What I Always Wanted is remembering Sarah on the one year anniversary of the two lines. Please go and remember with her.
  • Into the Light Again lost her cousin in Afghanistan. Please go over and give the family support.
  • Fran had her second ectopic pregnancy. Love and support are always appreciated.
MISCELLANEOUS SUPPORT AND CELEBRATIONS (scary scans, anxious waits, OHSS, and a host of other reasons why these bloggers could use some additional support right now. Also, celebratory retrievals, transfers, and other good news)
  • Womb For Improvement's first IUI has ended with a negative. She could use some support whilst she tries not to get disheartened.
  • Peaches has received biopsy results that her only two choices are to do another round of medical menopause or to use a surrogate, and she's having a hard time with this news.
  • Sam had her third (and hopefully last!) laparoscopy on Tuesday. Go keep her company while she recovers.
  • Me at We Are What We Repeatedly Do is scheduled for her ER on Wednesday!
  • Andrea jennine at Entrusted is scheduled to have a day-5 transfer for her 4th IVF/ICSI (1st with frozen eggs) and is feeling hopeful for the first time in a long time.
  • The Red Stain is feeling tired and down and would be grateful for your prayers.
  • I Won't Fear Love has a bunch of stressors right now in terms of health and job and could use some love.
BEDREST BABES: on bedrest following infertility or loss and needing support. Drop in on them and keep them company.
  • Michele received the news that the twins are doing great, weighing 1lb10oz and 1lb9oz, at 23w4d. Unfortunately, her cervix is dynamic and opening and closing at random. The cerclage is still holding things together and she is still on strict bedrest in the hospital until the twins are born.
  • Devon is home, but still on bedrest.
  • Carrie of Tubeless in Seattle has been put on hospital bedrest until the triplets are born. Please send her support as she awaits her boys.
  • Jamie was recently released off hospital bedrest but is now on modified bedrest at home.
  • Baby Smiling In Back Seat's cervix has shortened and she is now on modified bedrest to keep her twins inside as long as possible.
  • After a scary hospital visit at 24 weeks, Chelle is on modified bed rest. Her restrictions will increase as time goes on to try to avoid preeclampsia and keep her twin girls growing inside her as long as possible. The girls are doing great.
  • Miss Conception gave birth to her twins on August 16th. Her son and daughter are home and doing well.
Read and Support

Monday, August 24, 2009

438th Issue of the LFCA

Welcome to today's edition of Connections Abound. The point to Lost and Found is to level the support playing field. When LFCA works correctly, the newest blogger with the smallest readership can receive the same level of support as the oldest blogger with the largest readership. Anyone can submit news to LFCA by clicking here.

Lost and Found is open to anyone in the
infertility, pregnancy loss, adoption, pregnancy-and-parenting after infertility, assisted conception, living child-free after infertility or loss community (as well as anyone I inadvertently missed on that list). Please support the list as well as anyone posting announcements below.

Connections Abound

  • Kirtsy'd Pick O' the Day: Please vote for this one from Awful But Functioning. You will bawl as you read this beautiful post about losing her grandmother entwined with the memories of losing her daughter. She states: "A life so short, I couldn't possibly cram everything in versus a life so long I couldn't possibly cram everything in. I left it at I love you.". How do you vote? Simply by clicking on the words "this one" above and then clicking on the post's title. Why the Kirtsy'd Pick O' the Day? Click on that link in the header navigation bar above for the story. And send me stuff!
  • Bingo has begun!
  • The Lushary is open. What has happened in your world in the last month?
  • Project: Dragondreamer's Lair has started a new project called Ink Me 2009. "Tell us all about the ink you have or, if you haven't succumbed to the dark side yet, tell us about the ink you would like to have. Sign ups for Ink Me start right now at the bottom of this post and will run through the 28th, the last day of ICLW."
  • Question: k77 asks: "I got behind on reading my bloglines and have found that Dagny (Who Is John Galt?) has gone invite only. Does anyone have a contact email for her please?"
  • Recommendation: Mo and Will are looking for help to locate a recurrent miscarriage specialist to help them determine the causes of their five losses and come up with a plan to prevent another one. If you know of some of the best specialists in this area, please stop over at their blog and leave a comment or send them an email at
  • Forums: If you are not a member of the forums, you will not have access to the LFCA on days when we are utilizing an open thread in the forums instead of posting on this site. Any blog reader or writer can become a member of the forums by clicking here and registering. On days when we don't have the LFCA, it also follows that I'll be slow on approving new members (that whole lack of Internet access thing) so please be patient.
NEW BLOGS (started in July or August 2009)
  • None Today (more added soon)
BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES (celebrate your birthday or blogoversary with the community. Send me date at any point and I'll post them on the correct day)
  • After Iris is celebrating her birthday! Go and share a piece of cake with her.
  • ...I got out of bed for this? (Kahla and Jeff) celebrated 10 years of marriage this weekend.
  • MyBabyQuest had a birthday last week.
  • A Family with Ann Ovulation celebrated their 6th wedding anniversary, on the eve of IUI #2. Congratulations and good luck!
  • All Grown Up turns 30 on Thursday!
  • Michelle's Path and her husband are celebrating their seventh wedding anniversary on Monday away from each other, as he is currently deployed. Go give her an anniversary hug!
LOSS REMEMBRANCES (send in the dates of loss anniversaries and I will post them on the correct day)
  • None Today.
  • Sky from No Eggs in this Basket is devastated by the loss of her pregnancy. Please support her with some love.
  • Tash just lost her grandmother. Please go and give her support.
MISCELLANEOUS SUPPORT AND CELEBRATIONS (scary scans, anxious waits, OHSS, and a host of other reasons why these bloggers could use some additional support right now. Also, celebratory retrievals, transfers, and other good news)
  • None Today.
BEDREST BABES: on bedrest following infertility or loss and needing support. Drop in on them and keep them company.
  • Michele received the news that the twins are doing great, weighing 1lb10oz and 1lb9oz, at 23w4d. Unfortunately, her cervix is dynamic and opening and closing at random. The cerclage is still holding things together and she is still on strict bedrest in the hospital until the twins are born.
  • Devon is home, but still on bedrest.
  • Carrie of Tubeless in Seattle has been put on hospital bedrest until the triplets are born. Please send her support as she awaits her boys.
  • Jamie was recently released off hospital bedrest but is now on modified bedrest at home.
  • Baby Smiling In Back Seat's cervix has shortened and she is now on modified bedrest to keep her twins inside as long as possible.
  • After a scary hospital visit at 24 weeks, Chelle is on modified bed rest. Her restrictions will increase as time goes on to try to avoid preeclampsia and keep her twin girls growing inside her as long as possible. The girls are doing great.
  • Harry Line gave birth to Clementine-Auriella on August 12. Go wish Louisa congratulations.
Read and Support

Friday, August 21, 2009

437th Issue of the LFCA

Welcome to today's edition of Connections Abound. The point to Lost and Found is to level the support playing field. When LFCA works correctly, the newest blogger with the smallest readership can receive the same level of support as the oldest blogger with the largest readership. Anyone can submit news to LFCA by clicking here.

Lost and Found is open to anyone in the
infertility, pregnancy loss, adoption, pregnancy-and-parenting after infertility, assisted conception, living child-free after infertility or loss community (as well as anyone I inadvertently missed on that list). Please support the list as well as anyone posting announcements below.

Connections Abound

  • Kirtsy'd Pick O' the Day: Please vote for this one from Mrs. Spit Spouts Off. A fantastically honest post about feeling like you can't fit in no matter how hard you try. How do you vote? Simply by clicking on the words "this one" above and then clicking on the post's title. Why the Kirtsy'd Pick O' the Day? Click on that link in the header navigation bar above for the story. And send me stuff!
  • New Game: Last chance to sign up for Blogger Bingo. The list closes on Sunday night (11 p.m. EST) and the game begins Monday morning. Play to win a $20 gift certificate to Barnes and Noble (which can be used online/overseas too).
  • Possibly Password Protected: Blood Signs is thinking of making her blog password-protected and she is asking for some feedback on the matter.
  • Project: Mrs Spock writes: "The infertility and loss stories are finally up on the Our Bodies, Ourselves website! You may recognize a few of your fellow bloggers here."
  • Forums: If you are not a member of the forums, you will not have access to the LFCA on days when we are utilizing an open thread in the forums instead of posting on this site. Any blog reader or writer can become a member of the forums by clicking here and registering. On days when we don't have the LFCA, it also follows that I'll be slow on approving new members (that whole lack of Internet access thing) so please be patient.
NEW BLOGS (started in July or August 2009)
BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES (celebrate your birthday or blogoversary with the community. Send me date at any point and I'll post them on the correct day)
  • Here We Go Again is celebrating her blogoversary next Friday. Go wish the blog-hijacking woman congratulations.
  • Tuesday was April's second wedding anniversary. It's not too late to go and wish her many more years of wedded bliss.
  • First Comes Love and her husband had their 7th wedding anniversary on Monday. They celebrated by starting injections for IVF!
  • In Due Time is celebrating her 4th blogoversary!
LOSS REMEMBRANCES (send in the dates of loss anniversaries and I will post them on the correct day)
  • Tuesday, August 18th marks one year since Jen's husband, Shawn, died suddenly; next week it will be one year since the miscarriage of their only child. Please stop by & give her some hugs.
  • Yesterday was Hope's first birthday. Please go over and remember her with Sally.
  • Project Kjetil is remembering her first due date on August 18 (an early loss).
  • Once have birth to her son at 22 weeks and is currently grieving deeply, especially since they do not have answers. Please go give her a massive amount of support.
  • La Petite Chic is experiencing a miscarriage. Please go give her support.
  • Fran's BFP has turned out to be another ectopic pregnancy. She will have surgery to remove the embryo and the tube on Friday. Please go give her support.
MISCELLANEOUS SUPPORT AND CELEBRATIONS (scary scans, anxious waits, OHSS, and a host of other reasons why these bloggers could use some additional support right now. Also, celebratory retrievals, transfers, and other good news)
  • Weebles Wobblog just wrote her 500th post. Go celebrate with her.
  • IF Crossroads just got a negative beta result from her IUI. She could use a hug as she prepares to do one last injects/IUI cycle before IVF.
  • Pumpkinseeds could use some support after a BFN from IVF #4.
  • Gracie just got a BFN on her first IVF. Please go over and give her a big hug.
  • Debbie could use some support. One of the twins appears to have CDH and the doctor and universe are giving her a rough time.
  • Clio just had her retrieval for IVF #2. Go keep her company in the WUB.
  • The Long Journey is having a really rough day.
  • Keep your fingers crossed for The Offshore Wife's Life, who is starting Lupron for her FET.
  • Breeder Beware is having an u/s today to check the Sea Monkey's growth. Pop on by to share some good thoughts.
  • After some time away from the blog world, Sadie is back and posting. She also has a possible adoption lead. Please go roll out the 'welcome wagon' for her!
  • After having a second surgery to remove a septum in Queen D's uterus, she finally got news after having another HSG that this time surgery was successful at removing the entire septum.
  • The Turtle and the Monkey is having a hard time right now. Please click over and leave her a comment of support.
  • Kacy's cycle was cancelled before it even got going due to more cysts. Her last cyst took months to resolve and she's worried about these taking as long.
  • Gabby is scheduled for FET next Wednesday.
  • Cats with Passports received some test results suggesting that future IVF treatments may be pointless without an extra therapy that they cannot afford. She could use some support.
BEDREST BABES: on bedrest following infertility or loss and needing support. Drop in on them and keep them company.
  • Michele received the news that the twins are doing great, weighing 1lb10oz and 1lb9oz, at 23w4d. Unfortunately, her cervix is dynamic and opening and closing at random. The cerclage is still holding things together and she is still on strict bedrest in the hospital until the twins are born.
  • Devon has been admitted to the hospital with contractions. Please send her many prayers and warm thoughts. Her little one is still too young to be born and it is important that she stay inside as long as possible.
  • Carrie of Tubeless in Seattle has been placed on modified bedrest and will most likely be getting a cerclage in the next week or two. Please give her some support as she awaits her triplets arrival.
  • Jamie was recently released off hospital bedrest but is now on modified bedrest at home.
  • Baby Smiling In Back Seat's cervix has shortened and she is now on modified bedrest to keep her twins inside as long as possible.
  • After a scary hospital visit at 24 weeks, Chelle is on modified bed rest. Her restrictions will increase as time goes on to try to avoid preeclampsia and keep her twin girls growing inside her as long as possible. The girls are doing great.
  • Niobe and her surrogate saw two sacs and one heartbeat, but it was very early and they couldn't get great measurements or track the heartrate. They are having another u/s in two weeks.
  • Eve got an early beta of 41, and is hoping for a strong second beta. Go wait with her.
  • ICanHazBeBe? went to an ultrasound with the expectant mother for their private/domestic/open adoption and found out the expectant mother is having a boy!
  • Fertility Challenged in Florida is having a boy! Go wish her congratulations.
  • Miss Inconceivability is almost 5 weeks pregnant, surprised and nervous! (They're not sharing the news beyond their blog friends right now, so please don't mention it on Twitter or Facebook.)
  • A Journey to Conception has had 2 positive betas and is pregnant! Please go and celebrate with her!
  • Caroline is dealing with some "survivor's guilt" at being pregnant and wondering if she should shut down her blog. Please give her some love if you can.
Read and Support

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The 5th DIY LFCA

I just can't get to the LFCA today. I'll be back to my normal routine on Friday.

Use the comment section below to serve as the list today.

This is how to leave a comment for support.
  1. Leave the comment anonymously (even if you're okay with people knowing who submitted it, let's have everyone use the anonymous feature to be consistent).
  2. Choose a category: Miscellaneous News, Birthdays or Anniversaries, Loss Remembrances, Loss Announcements, Miscellaneous Support, Bed Rest Babes, Pregnancy Announcements, or Birth/Adoption Announcements.
  3. If you can, link to the blog by using the format below. Obviously change the category name, blog url, and message to suit your blurb. This is just a sample. When put in the comment section like this, it will turn out looking like this: Support: Stirrup Queens is putting up a DIY version of the LFCA. Go leave news in the comment box.
If you can't write your comment using the html format, simply cut and paste the url for the blog within the comment so people can go over. More important to get out the news than to have it look orderly.

And then don't forget to use the list, click through, and leave comments. And check back throughout the day--people added things over time rather than just getting the whole LFCA in one gulp.

If you would also like the blurb to appear in the next LFCA, submit it additionally to the LFCA form.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

436th Issue of the LFCA

Welcome to today's edition of Connections Abound. The point to Lost and Found is to level the support playing field. When LFCA works correctly, the newest blogger with the smallest readership can receive the same level of support as the oldest blogger with the largest readership. Anyone can submit news to LFCA by clicking here.

Lost and Found is open to anyone in the
infertility, pregnancy loss, adoption, pregnancy-and-parenting after infertility, assisted conception, living child-free after infertility or loss community (as well as anyone I inadvertently missed on that list). Please support the list as well as anyone posting announcements below.

Connections Abound

  • Kirtsy'd Pick O' the Day: Please vote for this one from Life From Here. A beautiful post that explains how the term "own child" is a falsehood because the claiming flows from child to parent if ownership flows at all. How do you vote? Simply by clicking on the words "this one" above and then clicking on the post's title. Why the Kirtsy'd Pick O' the Day? Click on that link in the header navigation bar above for the story. And send me stuff!
  • New Game: I think Blogger Bingo just might be my favourite game I ever invented. It took thinking through three showers and a car drive to come up with it. Play to win a $20 gift certificate to Barnes and Noble (which can be used online/overseas too). Sign up is only open until the 23rd.
  • Help: Sara at Schroedinger's Zygote is trying to put together a presentation for a social networking conference (PodCamp) about changing and evolving identities as bloggers, and would like stories about how those in our community have taken this on. Please see her post, or contact her via email here:
  • Fundraiser: Do you live in the St. Louis area? Hudababy, Friends of Lindsay at Our Family Beginnings are working on raising money in their pursuit of Domestic Adoption. The first event is a silent auction, raffle, and trivia night! If you want to join in the fun, RSVP via their Facebook event page.
  • Question: Although Ann does not have a blog of her own, she is an avid reader, lurker, and sometime commentor, and she has really appreciated the indirect support she has received from the IF community by reading about others' experiences. Now considering adoption, Ann would appreciate any recommendations for domestic adoption agencies in the Kansas City area. Please leave any suggestions in the comments section of this post.
  • Question: Please Help! Bloggers with IUI experience needed. Mommy Someday? is concerned about the timing of her IUIs. She writes: "Please stop by my blog and let me know about your experiences. I have two polls set up -- one where you can tell me the timing of most of your IUIs and one where you can tell me about the specific timing of any "successful" IUIs. Thanks for your help!"
  • Password Protected: Emily the Hopeless is going private. If you would like to continue reading and receive the password, write her at emumlyATgmailDOTcom.
  • Password Protected: Miss E's Musings has decided to make her blog password protected beginning Friday, Aug. 21. Please email her using the link on her blog's About page if you would like to receive the new password.
  • Hold the Date: LLOST is holding their annual Walk to Remember on October 3, 2009 in Fredericksburg, VA. Save the date on your calendar and spread the word.
  • Post Series: Yodeling Mamas on Yahoo have started a series of posts on infertility.
  • Forums: If you are not a member of the forums, you will not have access to the LFCA on days when we are utilizing an open thread in the forums instead of posting on this site. Any blog reader or writer can become a member of the forums by clicking here and registering. On days when we don't have the LFCA, it also follows that I'll be slow on approving new members (that whole lack of Internet access thing) so please be patient.
NEW BLOGS (started in July or August 2009)
BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES (celebrate your birthday or blogoversary with the community. Send me date at any point and I'll post them on the correct day)
  • CD1 Again is celebrating her anniversary today. Go over and wish them congratulations.
  • The Adventures of Tader Baby is celebrating her blogoversary next Thursday. Go wish her congratulations.
  • Here We Go Again is celebrating her blogoversary next Friday. Go wish the blog-hijacking woman congratulations.
  • Happy 41st birthday to WhichBox. Go sing her a little song.
LOSS REMEMBRANCES (send in the dates of loss anniversaries and I will post them on the correct day)
  • Mrs. Gamgee is remembering her second loss today on what would have been Olivia Noelle's EDD.
  • My Grasp at Sanity is grieving the loss of her baby on the year anniversary. She could use some hugs and kind words.
  • None Today.
MISCELLANEOUS SUPPORT AND CELEBRATIONS (scary scans, anxious waits, OHSS, and a host of other reasons why these bloggers could use some additional support right now. Also, celebratory retrievals, transfers, and other good news)
  • Cathy's son, Daniel, at Tomorrow Is Another Day will be having surgery to place a G-J tube tomorrow. He's been in so much pain, they've been unable to keep him fed and hydrated. Please stop by and sit with her while she waits to see if this surgery works.
  • Heather's clomid cycle might be canceled due to lack of response. She's frustrated, disappointed, and could use some encouragement.
  • Bec has learned that of 33 eggs, none made it to blastocyst. She has also been hospitalized with IVF complications.
  • Devon has been on bedrest in the hospital for over a month now and could really use her spirits lifted right now. Please stop by with some cheer and hugs.
BEDREST BABES: on bedrest following infertility or loss and needing support. Drop in on them and keep them company.
  • Michele received the news that the twins are doing great, weighing 1lb10oz and 1lb9oz, at 23w4d. Unfortunately, her cervix is dynamic and opening and closing at random. The cerclage is still holding things together and she is still on strict bedrest in the hospital until the twins are born.
  • Devon has been admitted to the hospital with contractions. Please send her many prayers and warm thoughts. Her little one is still too young to be born and it is important that she stay inside as long as possible.
  • Carrie of Tubeless in Seattle has been placed on modified bedrest and will most likely be getting a cerclage in the next week or two. Please give her some support as she awaits her triplets arrival.
  • Jamie was recently released off hospital bedrest but is now on modified bedrest at home.
  • Baby Smiling In Back Seat's cervix has shortened and she is now on modified bedrest to keep her twins inside as long as possible.
  • After a scary hospital visit at 24 weeks, Chelle is on modified bed rest. Her restrictions will increase as time goes on to try to avoid preeclampsia and keep her twin girls growing inside her as long as possible. The girls are doing great.
  • Mommy Wanna-Be has a great 1st beta of 701 after IVF cycle #1! Stop by and tell her congrats!
  • Musings From the Other Side became instant parents when the three siblings they are working to adopt moved in! It's been a full month of getting to know each other, playing together, and learning boundaries.
  • Caba gave birth on Aug 11th to Samantha Mary and Anthony Mark. The twins were born at 38.3 weeks, and weighed in at 6.2 and 6.13 lbs respectively. She was a surrogate for her sister and her husband, and the babies are home with mom and dad and doing great. Caba is also home from the hospital and doing well.
Read and Support

Monday, August 17, 2009

435th Issue of the LFCA

Welcome to today's edition of Connections Abound. The point to Lost and Found is to level the support playing field. When LFCA works correctly, the newest blogger with the smallest readership can receive the same level of support as the oldest blogger with the largest readership. Anyone can submit news to LFCA by clicking here.

Lost and Found is open to anyone in the
infertility, pregnancy loss, adoption, pregnancy-and-parenting after infertility, assisted conception, living child-free after infertility or loss community (as well as anyone I inadvertently missed on that list). Please support the list as well as anyone posting announcements below.

Connections Abound

  • Kirtsy'd Pick O' the Day: Please vote for this one from Growing Inside. The author lists some of the words she and others have used after a loss and turned these phrases on their head, making you examine the words we use in an entirely new way. How do you vote? Simply by clicking on the words "this one" above and then clicking on the post's title. Why the Kirtsy'd Pick O' the Day? Click on that link in the header navigation bar above for the story. And send me stuff!
  • Just a heads up on the Kirtsy'd Pick O' the Day. It happened three times in one week, so it seems worth saying. Once a post has been Kirtsy'd, I can't reKirtsy it. Which is not to say that you shouldn't Kirtsy posts--you should. But if you want to make it part of this group project, it can't be previously Kirtsy'd. At the same time, if you do Kirtsy it, make sure you get your friends to vote for it too by posting it on your blog because to move it to the front page of Kirtsy and have it seen by the general public, it usually needs to happen within the same day as submitting it to Kirtsy. Hence why I can't use a post if it has already been submitted. The times we've done that, it's too difficult to get it to reach the front page. Just an explanation if you see that I haven't used something you or someone else has already Kirtsy'd--the program locks me out from submitting it again.
  • Password Protected: Emily the Hopeless is going private. If you would like to continue reading and receive the password, write her at emumlyATgmailDOTcom.
  • Password Protected: Miss E's Musings has decided to make her blog password protected beginning Friday, Aug. 21. Please email her using the link on her blog's About page if you would like to receive the new password.
  • Hold the Date: LLOST is holding their annual Walk to Remember on October 3, 2009 in Fredericksburg, VA. Save the date on your calendar and spread the word.
  • Post Series: Yodeling Mamas on Yahoo have started a series of posts on infertility.
  • Advice: Meg would like input on RE's in the Bay Area (San Fransisco) who do CGH testing.
  • Advice: Exile in Kidville seeks a bit of wisdom on two fronts. She needs some suggestions for appropriate ways to reach out to a friend who just had her baby via emergency c-section at 29 weeks. The baby is not doing well and has Down syndrome. It's perplexing because PDG testing was done before the embryos were transferred and apparently all was well. Has anyone ever heard of a similar situation? More importantly, she needs advice/suggestions for the best way to help/let her friend know she is thinking of her.
  • Advice: Sarah and Richard are taking requests for names for Rory's Garden. Please go and see their beautiful photos.
  • Question: Gwinne's first attempt at IVF (ganirelix and microdose flare) was cancelled due to oversuppression. She needs to make a decision immediately about what to do for a cycle in October and is looking for info about estrogen priming protocols, or other protocols for poor responders.
  • Off Topic Question: Hobbit-ish Thoughts & Ramblings is planning her first trip to New York City and is looking for input. What would be on the top of your to do list? Is there something on her list that you would suggest skipping?
  • Forums: If you are not a member of the forums, you will not have access to the LFCA on days when we are utilizing an open thread in the forums instead of posting on this site. Any blog reader or writer can become a member of the forums by clicking here and registering. On days when we don't have the LFCA, it also follows that I'll be slow on approving new members (that whole lack of Internet access thing) so please be patient.
NEW BLOGS (started in July or August 2009)
  • None Today (more blogs being added to the blogroll right after I post the LFCA)
BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES (celebrate your birthday or blogoversary with the community. Send me date at any point and I'll post them on the correct day)
  • CD1 Again is celebrating her anniversary next Tuesday. Go over and wish them congratulations.
  • The Adventures of Tader Baby is celebrating her blogoversary next Thursday. Go wish her congratulations.
  • Here We Go Again is celebrating her blogoversary next Friday. Go wish the blog-hijacking woman congratulations.
  • OmegaMom is celebrating four years of blogging!
LOSS REMEMBRANCES (send in the dates of loss anniversaries and I will post them on the correct day)
  • On August 15th, Waiting in Sunshine was remembering her son on what should have been his due date. He died in utero and she writes: "Today I was supposed to meet D.I.J and become a mother. That’s not to be. He died at 5 months gestation." Please go over and give her a lot of support.
  • Donna is remembering Ellie since she has just hit 23w3d in her current pregnancy and this was the day in her last pregnancy that she lost her daughter.
  • None Today.
MISCELLANEOUS SUPPORT AND CELEBRATIONS (scary scans, anxious waits, OHSS, and a host of other reasons why these bloggers could use some additional support right now. Also, celebratory retrievals, transfers, and other good news)
  • No Regrets is mourning the loss of the embryos that didn't make it, of all the hopes and dreams that they represented. Her "really letting go" post is wonderful and sad. Please go give her support.
  • Fran is experiencing bleeding and an ultrasound did not find a sac. She doesn't know whether she's miscarrying or whether the ultrasound was wrong. She'll have another ultrasound on Monday.
  • Alison is having a hard time. She and her husband recently found out they are dealing with azoospermia. After running more tests, their told them that they would never have a biological child. Please give her a hug.
  • Getting There needs advice on how to help her mother-in-law understand that adoption is a positive step foward - any ideas welcome.
  • It's Not a Clown Car was laid-off from her job. Please go over and give her support.
  • Seraphim has been through alot lately and could use a hug. Please go give her one.
  • Stop by and visit Amy as she receives the results of her beta today (Monday) after her second IVF cycle.
  • Keisha at the Long Journey had an incredibly rude comment from a nurse while getting her thyroid checked out prior to her upcoming IVF cycle.
  • M has started stims, and IVF #3 is officially underway. Wish her luck!
  • Kat is closing her blog and starting a new one. Please head over to her blog to show your support.
BEDREST BABES: on bedrest following infertility or loss and needing support. Drop in on them and keep them company.
  • Michele received the news that the twins are doing great, weighing 1lb10oz and 1lb9oz, at 23w4d. Unfortunately, her cervix is dynamic and opening and closing at random. The cerclage is still holding things together and she is still on strict bedrest in the hospital until the twins are born.
  • Devon has been admitted to the hospital with contractions. Please send her many prayers and warm thoughts. Her little one is still too young to be born and it is important that she stay inside as long as possible.
  • Carrie of Tubeless in Seattle has been placed on modified bedrest and will most likely be getting a cerclage in the next week or two. Please give her some support as she awaits her triplets arrival.
  • Jamie was recently released off hospital bedrest but is now on modified bedrest at home.
  • Baby Smiling In Back Seat's cervix has shortened and she is now on modified bedrest to keep her twins inside as long as possible.
  • Empty Arms gave birth to a daughter, Gwendolyn, on August 13. Go over and wish her congratulations.
  • The expectant mom matched with Quest for a Lifetime gave birth to a little girl on Thursday, with everyone on hand to welcome her into the world.
  • Henry Street has a new son! He was born Friday night to his birthparents and welcomed by both families with great love.
  • Miss Conception's water broke on Saturday. More news when she posts again.
Read and Support