Monday, November 29, 2010

667th Issue of the LFCA

Welcome to today's edition of Connections Abound. The point of Lost and Found is to level the support playing field. When LFCA works correctly, the newest blogger with the smallest readership can receive the same level of support as the oldest blogger with the largest readership. Anyone can submit news to LFCA by clicking here.

Lost and Found is open to anyone in the
infertility, pregnancy loss, adoption, pregnancy-and-parenting after infertility, assisted conception, living child-free after infertility or loss community (as well as anyone I inadvertently missed on that list). Please support the list as well as anyone posting announcements below.

Connections Abound

  • Daily Creme Update: There are currently 167 participants on the Creme de la Creme 2010 list. The deadline to submit your entry is December 15th to be on when the list goes up on January 1st. The final deadline for the 2010 Creme de la Creme is January 31st.
  • Feedback: My Hopeful Journey is working with the American Fertility Association on Educating College Women and Men on Infertility. She is calling out for your help and support in making this a success. Think of your life and if there are any opportunities for you to educate others about infertility. It could be as simple as you sharing this post with your network of family and friends? Your feedback and perspective is NEEDED!
  • First Time Reading the LFCA: If this is your first time reading the LFCA or you need a refresher about how the LFCA works, please read this post. It has everything you need to know about getting your news in the LFCA.
  • Quicklink Resources: Regular ALI Blogroll: If you would like your blog added to the ALI blogroll, please email me directly with your blog url and category pick. More information about being added is contained in that link. Password-Protected Blogroll: If you would like your password-protected blog added to the blogroll, please fill out the form.
NEW BLOGS (started in October or November 2010)
BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES (celebrate your birthday or blogoversary with the community. Send me date at any point and I'll post them on the correct day)
  • Clio is celebrating her birthday on Wednesday. Go have a slice of cake with her.
  • Double Blessings is celebrating her birthday on Wednesday too. Go sing her a little song.
  • Write Mind Open Heart is celebrating her birthday on Wednesday. Go have a slice of cake with her.
  • Too Many Fish to Fry's birthday is next Friday, and it's bittersweet because she was hoping she'd be celebrating with a one month old. Life had other plans. Please join her for some yummy red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting.
  • A Half Baked Life is celebrating her birthday on Sunday (December 5)! Go have a piece of cake with her.
LOSS REMEMBRANCES (send in the dates of loss anniversaries and I will post them on the correct day)
  • HaileysMom said goodbye to her first daughter, Hailey one year ago on December 2nd. She passed away from a congenital heart defect at 4 1/2 months old.
  • After a long battle with MS, Margaret's mother passed away, an hour before she was able to be with her. Please send her some support as she has now lost both of her parents and her infant son.
  • Yes, We're Parents! also lost her mother. Please go give her love.
MISCELLANEOUS SUPPORT AND CELEBRATIONS (scary scans, anxious waits, OHSS, and a host of other reasons why these bloggers could use some additional support right now. Also, celebratory retrievals, transfers, and other good news)
  • A Parenthood for Me board member won a contest to meet Kevin Boss, tight end for NY Giants. Read his heartwarming email about being an adoptive dad and joining PFM's board of directors to help pay it forward.
  • Happy-Go-Lucky's dog died last Sunday, just after her mother's passing.
  • Awaiting Our Miracle just had her second IVF with ICSI canceled. Please visit her blog and offer your support as she stays hopeful that next time will be different.
BEDREST BABES: on bedrest following infertility or loss and needing support. Drop in on them and keep them company.
  • Kristi is on modified bedrest for cervical trouble and a subchorionic bleed behind the placenta. Please go send her some encouraging words.
  • Rachel has made it to 24 weeks and been moved to hospital bedrest! Please stop by her blog and offer her some support and entertainment.
  • Once A Mother is pregnant with twins, and has been put on bed rest indefinitely due to a large subchorionic hemorrhage.
  • J (28 weeks along) was put on full bedrest to keep Littlest in her as long as possible. Please go visit her on her couch (and bring the chocolate!).
  • An Offering of Love's partner is 26 weeks pregnant with twins and was just put on complete bedrest due to a shortening cervix. They could use some words of encouragement and stories of positive outcomes in similar circumstances.
  • You Found What In There is has recently been put on bedrest; she is experiencing pre-term labor, needs blood transfusions for her unborn little girl at 27 weeks. Please go give her a hug and some support!
  • None Today.
  • Mrs. Bro welcomed Benjamin on November 28th.
  • Mrs. Gamgee and her DH welcomed a baby girl on November 27th.
Read and Support

Sunday, November 28, 2010

666th Issue of the LFCA (The Devil's Issue)

Welcome to today's edition of Connections Abound. The point of Lost and Found is to level the support playing field. When LFCA works correctly, the newest blogger with the smallest readership can receive the same level of support as the oldest blogger with the largest readership. Anyone can submit news to LFCA by clicking here.

Lost and Found is open to anyone in the
infertility, pregnancy loss, adoption, pregnancy-and-parenting after infertility, assisted conception, living child-free after infertility or loss community (as well as anyone I inadvertently missed on that list). Please support the list as well as anyone posting announcements below.

Connections Abound

  • Yeah, I'll admit it, I've been waiting for the 666th issue to pop up... I told you the next LFCA was brought to you by the Devil.
  • Feedback: My Hopeful Journey is working with the American Fertility Association on Educating College Women and Men on Infertility. She is calling out for your help and support in making this a success. Think of your life and if there are any opportunities for you to educate others about infertility. It could be as simple as you sharing this post with your network of family and friends? Your feedback and perspective is NEEDED!
  • Daily Creme Update: There are currently 161 participants on the Creme de la Creme 2010 list. The deadline to submit your entry is December 15th to be on when the list goes up on January 1st. The final deadline for the 2010 Creme de la Creme is January 31st.
  • First Time Reading the LFCA: If this is your first time reading the LFCA or you need a refresher about how the LFCA works, please read this post. It has everything you need to know about getting your news in the LFCA.
  • Quicklink Resources: Regular ALI Blogroll: If you would like your blog added to the ALI blogroll, please email me directly with your blog url and category pick. More information about being added is contained in that link. Password-Protected Blogroll: If you would like your password-protected blog added to the blogroll, please fill out the form.
NEW BLOGS (started in October or November 2010)
  • None Today (more will be added on Tuesday)
BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES (celebrate your birthday or blogoversary with the community. Send me date at any point and I'll post them on the correct day)
  • In the midst of doing her last cycle before DE, Gwinne is turning 38 on the 29th. This is her third birthday while ttc, and she isn't too happy about it. Please stop by to wish her well.
  • Fumbling Towards Eggstacy celebrated her birthday on Sunday. Go sing her a little song.
  • Clio is celebrating her birthday on Wednesday. Go have a slice of cake with her.
  • Double Blessings is celebrating her birthday on Wednesday too. Go sing her a little song.
  • Write Mind Open Heart is celebrating her birthday on Wednesday. Go have a slice of cake with her.
  • Too Many Fish to Fry's birthday is next Friday, and it's bittersweet because she was hoping she'd be celebrating with a one month old. Life had other plans. Please join her for some yummy red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting.
  • Unaffected over at For We Are Bound by Symmetry is celebrating her 100th post. Stop by and say hello!
LOSS REMEMBRANCES (send in the dates of loss anniversaries and I will post them on the correct day)
  • Michele is remembering Alexander on his second birthday and missing what might have been.
  • HaileysMom said goodbye to her first daughter, Hailey one year ago on December 2nd. She passed away from a congenital heart defect at 4 1/2 months old.
  • B is looking back at her year of grief on the first anniversary of the loss of her baby.
  • Happy-Go-Lucky lost her mother on November 17. Please go give her support.
  • One to Keep is currently experiencing her 5th miscarriage, she could probably do with some love.
  • Jay discovered at her 8 week 6 day ultrasound that the baby no longer had a heartbeat. She could use some support as she grieves this second loss.
  • Please surround Mattie with love and support as she grieves the loss of her son Jakin, so soon after the loss of her daughter Shyla last year.
  • Not Undecided miscarried early Thanksgiving morning after having seen a slow heartbeat Wednesday afternoon. She's still somewhat in shock and is dreading having to go back to normal life on Monday but is trying to focus on being thankful for the love and support of family and friends.
MISCELLANEOUS SUPPORT AND CELEBRATIONS (scary scans, anxious waits, OHSS, and a host of other reasons why these bloggers could use some additional support right now. Also, celebratory retrievals, transfers, and other good news)
  • Roccie could use some love and support as she tries to put the pieces back together following an unsuccessful DE FET.
  • FattyPants got a negative on her final IUI. She's feeling lost and like she went from 120 mph to a dead stop.
  • Foxy's upcoming cycle was canceled for two months due to cysts and then her doc's vacation. She could use some love.
  • Meim (Tears Are For Babies) got 16 mature eggs at retrieval, and all the fluid is gone from her uterus! Plus, the blizzard that was forecast for the same time as her appointment didn't pan out - much to be thankful for.
  • A Whole Lot of Hope is hurting after spending a few wonderful days with a baby girl they hoped to adopt, but whose father ultimately decided to parent her. She is heartbroken and could use a lot of love.
  • After intensive treatments for cancer, Tessie's mom (Yes, We're Parents!) suffered a stroke. She is currently on oxygen and non-responsive and Tessie is torn apart with grief. Please go give her a hug.
BEDREST BABES: on bedrest following infertility or loss and needing support. Drop in on them and keep them company.
  • Kristi is on modified bedrest for cervical trouble and a subchorionic bleed behind the placenta. Please go send her some encouraging words.
  • Rachel has made it to 24 weeks and been moved to hospital bedrest! Please stop by her blog and offer her some support and entertainment.
  • Once A Mother is pregnant with twins, and has been put on bed rest indefinitely due to a large subchorionic hemorrhage.
  • J (28 weeks along) was put on full bedrest to keep Littlest in her as long as possible. Please go visit her on her couch (and bring the chocolate!).
  • An Offering of Love's partner is 26 weeks pregnant with twins and was just put on complete bedrest due to a shortening cervix. They could use some words of encouragement and stories of positive outcomes in similar circumstances.
  • You Found What In There is has recently been put on bedrest; she is experiencing pre-term labor, needs blood transfusions for her unborn little girl at 27 weeks. Please go give her a hug and some support!
  • Jeri received the news that her first IVF worked and she is pregnant. She is excited but trying to be cautious about her excitement because she has had a miscarriage in the past. Stop by her blog to offer support.
  • Last week a newborn baby girl was placed with Sunny Jenny. Go congratulate her!
  • After 4 years of struggle with MFI, Infertility and Me's wife gave birth to a beautiful baby girl!
Read and Support

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

665th Issue of the LFCA

Welcome to today's edition of Connections Abound. The point of Lost and Found is to level the support playing field. When LFCA works correctly, the newest blogger with the smallest readership can receive the same level of support as the oldest blogger with the largest readership. Anyone can submit news to LFCA by clicking here.

Lost and Found is open to anyone in the
infertility, pregnancy loss, adoption, pregnancy-and-parenting after infertility, assisted conception, living child-free after infertility or loss community (as well as anyone I inadvertently missed on that list). Please support the list as well as anyone posting announcements below.

Connections Abound

  • Next issue of the LFCA is brought to you by the Devil...
  • Radio: This week’s Creating a Family show will be on Infertility Etiquette: Navigating Infertility Without Hurting Others or Getting Hurt (Wed. Nov 24). The author of Unsung Lullabies will be on. Click over for more information about the show.
  • Daily Creme Update: There are currently 141 participants on the Creme de la Creme 2010 list. The deadline to submit your entry is December 15th to be on when the list goes up on January 1st. The final deadline for the 2010 Creme de la Creme is January 31st.
  • First Time Reading the LFCA: If this is your first time reading the LFCA or you need a refresher about how the LFCA works, please read this post. It has everything you need to know about getting your news in the LFCA.
  • Quicklink Resources: Regular ALI Blogroll: If you would like your blog added to the ALI blogroll, please email me directly with your blog url and category pick. More information about being added is contained in that link. Password-Protected Blogroll: If you would like your password-protected blog added to the blogroll, please fill out the form.
NEW BLOGS (started in October or November 2010)
  • None Today.
BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES (celebrate your birthday or blogoversary with the community. Send me date at any point and I'll post them on the correct day)
  • Our Wish Come Two is celebrating her birthday next Wednesday. Go sing her a little song.
  • Henry Street's anniversary is next Thursday. Go wish them congratulations.
  • Serenity is celebrating her birthday next Friday and it has been a hard month. She could use a lot of love and birthday wishes.
  • Tertia is celebrating her birthday next Friday. Go sing her a little song.
  • Lindsay's birthday is Saturday, the 27th. Go over and have a slice of cake with her.
  • In the midst of doing her last cycle before DE, Gwinne is turning 38 on the 29th. This is her third birthday while ttc, and she isn't too happy about it. Please stop by to wish her well.
LOSS REMEMBRANCES (send in the dates of loss anniversaries and I will post them on the correct day)
  • None Today.
  • Shorty's Adventure is currently miscarrying and she needs love and abiding. Please go over and give her a virtual hug.
MISCELLANEOUS SUPPORT AND CELEBRATIONS (scary scans, anxious waits, OHSS, and a host of other reasons why these bloggers could use some additional support right now. Also, celebratory retrievals, transfers, and other good news)
  • No Baby Ruth is struggling after finding out at her 8 week u/s that one of her twins stopped growing but the other is healthy and strong.
  • Jeri goes in for her beta today for IVF#1. She started experiencing light spotting yesterday. She needs prayers and well wishes for what will be a long day.
  • Meim (Tears Are For Babies) has fluid in her uterus that could cause the transfer to be canceled. The RE has a plan but she's freaking out a little and would appreciate your prayers!
  • Jessica had a positive digital pregnancy test and then discovered her 4th IVF didn't work out. It ends up it was a "false positive." Please go lend your support as she prepares to celebrate her 5th year anniversary TTC with this heartbreaking (and cruel) news.
  • LowFatLady could use some support. She got her first positive beta ever, but her progesterone was very very low. The nurse thinks it's either an early miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy, and not viable. Has anyone ever had a successful pregnancy from this?
BEDREST BABES: on bedrest following infertility or loss and needing support. Drop in on them and keep them company.
  • Kristi is on modified bedrest for cervical trouble and a subchorionic bleed behind the placenta. Please go send her some encouraging words.
  • Rachel has made it to 24 weeks and been moved to hospital bedrest! Please stop by her blog and offer her some support and entertainment.
  • Once A Mother is pregnant with twins, and has been put on bed rest indefinitely due to a large subchorionic hemorrhage.
  • J (28 weeks along) was put on full bedrest to keep Littlest in her as long as possible. Please go visit her on her couch (and bring the chocolate!).
  • An Offering of Love's partner is 26 weeks pregnant with twins and was just put on complete bedrest due to a shortening cervix. They could use some words of encouragement and stories of positive outcomes in similar circumstances.
  • You Found What In There is has recently been put on bedrest; she is experiencing pre-term labor, needs blood transfusions for her unborn little girl at 27 weeks. Please go give her a hug and some support!
  • Tigger has some questions about christening and baptism. Please head over and give her some advice if you can.
  • I. V. Effed gave birth to a boy on Veteran's Day - congratulations!
Read and Support

Sunday, November 21, 2010

664th Issue of the LFCA

Welcome to today's edition of Connections Abound. The point of Lost and Found is to level the support playing field. When LFCA works correctly, the newest blogger with the smallest readership can receive the same level of support as the oldest blogger with the largest readership. Anyone can submit news to LFCA by clicking here.

Lost and Found is open to anyone in the
infertility, pregnancy loss, adoption, pregnancy-and-parenting after infertility, assisted conception, living child-free after infertility or loss community (as well as anyone I inadvertently missed on that list). Please support the list as well as anyone posting announcements below.

Connections Abound

  • IComLeavWe: IComLeavWe started on Sunday.
  • IComLeavWe: My Hopeful Journey created a comment tracking spreadsheet on Google Docs for those of you that want to track what blogs you have visited during November ICLW! It is located on the top left of her blog above the ICLW button. She also wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and is thankful for this community of wonderful people!
  • Giveaway: Virginia, of the blog In the Land of Broken Hearts, is having a giveaway of one copy of the book They Were Still Born: Personal Stories about Stillbirth, edited by Janel C. Atlas. Virginia's chapter, What No One Tells You, is the first chapter of the book and is about the stillbirth of her son Ben. Head on over and enter for a chance to win; giveaway ends December 3rd.
  • Fundraiser: Jen's Seven From Heaven is soliciting help for her daughter's birth mum who lost her sight while pregnant. Please visit to learn more about Christine and her loss of sight while pregnant. All suggestions and ideas for fundraising to help out would be appreciated! Please feel free to email suggestions and ideas to
  • Daily Creme Update: There are currently 135 participants on the Creme de la Creme 2010 list. The deadline to submit your entry is December 15th to be on when the list goes up on January 1st. The final deadline for the 2010 Creme de la Creme is January 31st.
  • First Time Reading the LFCA: If this is your first time reading the LFCA or you need a refresher about how the LFCA works, please read this post. It has everything you need to know about getting your news in the LFCA.
  • Quicklink Resources: Regular ALI Blogroll: If you would like your blog added to the ALI blogroll, please email me directly with your blog url and category pick. More information about being added is contained in that link. Password-Protected Blogroll: If you would like your password-protected blog added to the blogroll, please fill out the form.
NEW BLOGS (started in October or November 2010)
BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES (celebrate your birthday or blogoversary with the community. Send me date at any point and I'll post them on the correct day)
  • Our Wish Come Two is celebrating her birthday next Wednesday. Go sing her a little song.
  • Henry Street's anniversary is next Thursday. Go wish them congratulations.
  • Serenity is celebrating her birthday next Friday and it has been a hard month. She could use a lot of love and birthday wishes.
  • Tertia is celebrating her birthday next Friday. Go sing her a little song.
  • Lindsay's birthday is Saturday, the 27th. Go over and have a slice of cake with her.
  • It's Birthdayversary time for Wistfulgirl! She's turning 32 on Monday the 22nd and then celebrating 8 years of married bliss with The Hubs on Tuesday the 23rd.
  • Rain just passed 500 posts. Please head on over to congratulate her.
LOSS REMEMBRANCES (send in the dates of loss anniversaries and I will post them on the correct day)
  • Nicole is missing her daughter Caroline, who was born still just one month ago. Please go surround her with love and support.
  • Please send your love and support to Sonja on her sad anniversary. She needs our love and support this weekend.
  • Lostintranslation canceled her second IVF cycle to be at her mother's side in the final days of her life. Her mom passed away last Friday. Please stop by her blog to give her a hug.
MISCELLANEOUS SUPPORT AND CELEBRATIONS (scary scans, anxious waits, OHSS, and a host of other reasons why these bloggers could use some additional support right now. Also, celebratory retrievals, transfers, and other good news)
  • Rebekah got an azoospermia diagnosis from her husbands follow up SA. Please go give her hug as they decide on using a donor for the next step.
  • ChicknChicken has decided to stop pursuing fertility treatments and has had a rough week. She could use some friendly words.
  • Please give Celia some love and support. Her father is in the hospital with blood clots.
  • Jo would love some support - since the news (zero sperm) her hubby has increasingly gone into his own world, and become more and more temperamental and angry. It is a new scary world, and one she never thought she would inhabit.
BEDREST BABES: on bedrest following infertility or loss and needing support. Drop in on them and keep them company.
  • Kristi is on modified bedrest for cervical trouble and a subchorionic bleed behind the placenta. Please go send her some encouraging words.
  • Rachel has made it to 24 weeks and been moved to hospital bedrest! Please stop by her blog and offer her some support and entertainment.
  • Once A Mother is pregnant with twins, and has been put on bed rest indefinitely due to a large subchorionic hemorrhage.
  • J (28 weeks along) was put on full bedrest to keep Littlest in her as long as possible. Please go visit her on her couch (and bring the chocolate!).
  • An Offering of Love's partner is 26 weeks pregnant with twins and was just put on complete bedrest due to a shortening cervix. They could use some words of encouragement and stories of positive outcomes in similar circumstances.
  • You Found What In There is has recently been put on bedrest; she is experiencing pre-term labor, needs blood transfusions for her unborn little girl at 27 weeks. Please go give her a hug and some support!
  • Kathi is having a boy!
  • Ceejay has found out that it's a boy!
  • None Today.
Read and Support

Thursday, November 18, 2010

663rd Issue of the LFCA

Welcome to today's edition of Connections Abound. The point of Lost and Found is to level the support playing field. When LFCA works correctly, the newest blogger with the smallest readership can receive the same level of support as the oldest blogger with the largest readership. Anyone can submit news to LFCA by clicking here.

Lost and Found is open to anyone in the
infertility, pregnancy loss, adoption, pregnancy-and-parenting after infertility, assisted conception, living child-free after infertility or loss community (as well as anyone I inadvertently missed on that list). Please support the list as well as anyone posting announcements below.

Connections Abound

  • IComLeavWe: IComLeavWe starts on Sunday. I'll still send out the reminder email over the weekend, but just putting that thought out there.
  • Blogger Returns: It's been 2 years, but Lois Lane is back! She took a hiatus while she was on an around-the-world trip with Superman, but she's back at her typewriter and ready to write for you This space was created for those bloggers who are not PWP or dont want to share something on their personal blog, but need to VENT and still receive support. E-mail Lois @ offtheifrecord at gmail dot com if you need to vent and be sure to visit Off the IF Record.
  • Question: Manapan found out during an ultrasound that she has a pelvic kidney. Her OB doesn't know much about the subject, so if you've been there she'd really appreciate your sharing your experience regarding possible kidney damage.
  • Question: AFM asks: "Has anyone tried accupuncture for recurrent miscarriage. I have a first appointment comming up and would love to hear success stories if they are out there thanks."
  • Question: Sunny from Sunny in Seattle has a request for book recommendations on behalf of a friend. She is looking for publications on adoption and/or living child-free, specifically geared towards Christians. (General Christian infertility books are also acceptable, although this couple will not be seeking treatment so if that is the entire focus, it may not be relevant.) You can leave the titles and authors in the comments to this post. Thanks so much!
  • Daily Creme Update: There are currently 132 participants on the Creme de la Creme 2010 list. The deadline to submit your entry is December 15th to be on when the list goes up on January 1st. The final deadline for the 2010 Creme de la Creme is January 31st.
  • First Time Reading the LFCA: If this is your first time reading the LFCA or you need a refresher about how the LFCA works, please read this post. It has everything you need to know about getting your news in the LFCA.
  • Quicklink Resources: Regular ALI Blogroll: If you would like your blog added to the ALI blogroll, please email me directly with your blog url and category pick. More information about being added is contained in that link. Password-Protected Blogroll: If you would like your password-protected blog added to the blogroll, please fill out the form.
NEW BLOGS (started in October or November 2010)
  • None Today (more added over the weekend)
BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES (celebrate your birthday or blogoversary with the community. Send me date at any point and I'll post them on the correct day)
  • My Wait is Over is celebrating her birthday on Saturday. Go have a slice of cake with her.
  • Julie has reached her one year blogoversary and can't believe it!
  • Dragondreamer's Lair is celebrating her anniversary on Sunday. Go wish them congratulations.
  • Our Wish Come Two is celebrating her birthday next Wednesday. Go sing her a little song.
  • Henry Street's anniversary is next Thursday. Go wish them congratulations.
  • Serenity is celebrating her birthday next Friday and it has been a hard month. She could use a lot of love and birthday wishes.
  • Tertia is celebrating her birthday next Friday. Go sing her a little song.
  • Lindsay's birthday is Saturday, the 27th. Go over and have a slice of cake with her.
LOSS REMEMBRANCES (send in the dates of loss anniversaries and I will post them on the correct day)
  • None Today.
  • Roccie just did her first cycle with donor eggs. She got a positive over the weekend but now finds herself not pregnant.
  • Jenn just discovered she is having her third miscarriage. Please send her all your love and support.
MISCELLANEOUS SUPPORT AND CELEBRATIONS (scary scans, anxious waits, OHSS, and a host of other reasons why these bloggers could use some additional support right now. Also, celebratory retrievals, transfers, and other good news)
BEDREST BABES: on bedrest following infertility or loss and needing support. Drop in on them and keep them company.
  • Kristi is on modified bedrest for cervical trouble and a subchorionic bleed behind the placenta. Please go send her some encouraging words.
  • Rachel has made it to 24 weeks and been moved to hospital bedrest! Please stop by her blog and offer her some support and entertainment.
  • Once A Mother is pregnant with twins, and has been put on bed rest indefinitely due to a large subchorionic hemorrhage.
  • J (28 weeks along) was put on full bedrest to keep Littlest in her as long as possible. Please go visit her on her couch (and bring the chocolate!).
  • An Offering of Love's partner is 26 weeks pregnant with twins and was just put on complete bedrest due to a shortening cervix. They could use some words of encouragement and stories of positive outcomes in similar circumstances.
  • You Found What In There is has recently been put on bedrest; she is experiencing pre-term labor, needs blood transfusions for her unborn little girl at 27 weeks. Please go give her a hug and some support!
  • It's a boy for Doc Grumbles!
  • Lisa is newly pregnant after a very long and brave fight. She is understandably worried about the pregnancy's viability. Lisa recently experienced some changes in her symptoms. She could sure use your good examples of how symptoms may have changed in your own successful pregnancy.
  • Maybe Baby or Maybe the Looney Bin saw the heartbeat.
  • None Today.
Read and Support

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

662nd Issue of the LFCA

Welcome to today's edition of Connections Abound. The point of Lost and Found is to level the support playing field. When LFCA works correctly, the newest blogger with the smallest readership can receive the same level of support as the oldest blogger with the largest readership. Anyone can submit news to LFCA by clicking here.

Lost and Found is open to anyone in the
infertility, pregnancy loss, adoption, pregnancy-and-parenting after infertility, assisted conception, living child-free after infertility or loss community (as well as anyone I inadvertently missed on that list). Please support the list as well as anyone posting announcements below.

Connections Abound

  • Fundraiser: Keiko's Fertile Fall Fundraiser is underway and she could use your help in raising $2000 for RESOLVE of New England by December 30, 2010. Swing by her blog to check out the details, make a contribution, and help spread the word!
  • Daily Creme Update: There are currently 127 participants on the Creme de la Creme 2010 list. The deadline to submit your entry is December 15th to be on when the list goes up on January 1st. The final deadline for the 2010 Creme de la Creme is January 31st.
  • First Time Reading the LFCA: If this is your first time reading the LFCA or you need a refresher about how the LFCA works, please read this post. It has everything you need to know about getting your news in the LFCA.
  • Quicklink Resources: Regular ALI Blogroll: If you would like your blog added to the ALI blogroll, please email me directly with your blog url and category pick. More information about being added is contained in that link. Password-Protected Blogroll: If you would like your password-protected blog added to the blogroll, please fill out the form.
NEW BLOGS (started in October or November 2010)
  • None Today.
BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES (celebrate your birthday or blogoversary with the community. Send me date at any point and I'll post them on the correct day)
  • My Wait is Over is celebrating her birthday on Saturday. Go have a slice of cake with her.
  • Rach is celebrating her 10th wedding anniversary this Thursday. Go wish them congratulations.
  • Stirrup Queens is celebrating her wedding anniversary with Josh this week. Go wish them congratulations.
LOSS REMEMBRANCES (send in the dates of loss anniversaries and I will post them on the correct day)
  • Amy at Just a Mere IVF experienced a miscarriage after their last IVF. She had a D&C last week and could really use some support and a hug.
  • Still A Guest Room just suffered her third pregnancy loss. She could really use your support right now.
MISCELLANEOUS SUPPORT AND CELEBRATIONS (scary scans, anxious waits, OHSS, and a host of other reasons why these bloggers could use some additional support right now. Also, celebratory retrievals, transfers, and other good news)
  • My Bumpy Journey is officially in the 2WW after her IUI this weekend. Give her a hug and some support as she waits!
  • Jo is feeling really lonely right now - Justin's second sperm analysis confirmed zero sperm. It has had a devastating impact on their marriage and relationship, and they are wondering where they go from here.
  • Danny and Brittney have found out that their file is ready for pick-up from PGN in their adoption of Kinsey!
BEDREST BABES: on bedrest following infertility or loss and needing support. Drop in on them and keep them company.
  • Kristi is on modified bedrest for cervical trouble and a subchorionic bleed behind the placenta. Please go send her some encouraging words.
  • Rachel has made it to 24 weeks and been moved to hospital bedrest! Please stop by her blog and offer her some support and entertainment.
  • Once A Mother is pregnant with twins, and has been put on bed rest indefinitely due to a large subchorionic hemorrhage.
  • J (28 weeks along) was put on full bedrest to keep Littlest in her as long as possible. Please go visit her on her couch (and bring the chocolate!).
  • An Offering of Love's partner is 26 weeks pregnant with twins and was just put on complete bedrest due to a shortening cervix. They could use some words of encouragement and stories of positive outcomes in similar circumstances.
  • You Found What In There is has recently been put on bedrest; she is experiencing pre-term labor, needs blood transfusions for her unborn little girl at 27 weeks. Please go give her a hug and some support!
  • Arwen found out at her ultrasound yesterday that she is having twins!
  • Miscarriage in Montgomery went in today for an ultrasound. More news when she posts again.
  • None Today.
Read and Support

Sunday, November 14, 2010

661st Issue of the LFCA

Welcome to today's edition of Connections Abound. The point of Lost and Found is to level the support playing field. When LFCA works correctly, the newest blogger with the smallest readership can receive the same level of support as the oldest blogger with the largest readership. Anyone can submit news to LFCA by clicking here.

Lost and Found is open to anyone in the
infertility, pregnancy loss, adoption, pregnancy-and-parenting after infertility, assisted conception, living child-free after infertility or loss community (as well as anyone I inadvertently missed on that list). Please support the list as well as anyone posting announcements below.

Connections Abound

  • Project: Wifey is thinking about organizing an ALI blogger tropical vacay in early 2012 - good times before end times! If you're interested, you can email her at Eventually (hopefully soon), she'll get a Google form going, so if you'd rather, you can visit her blog.
  • Lost Bloggers: Keiko would like to find out what's happened to a good handful of bloggers who have stopped updating on her reader feed. If you have updates on these bloggers, or have bloggers who have dropped of the updating radar, feel free to add their names and blogs in the comments of this "Infertility Blogger APB" post. Let's see if we can get some word on what's happened to these folks.
  • Question: Ashlee has some questions about using Provera. If you have any experience with using Provera please stop by and answer her questions.
  • Daily Creme Update: There are currently 119 participants on the Creme de la Creme 2010 list. The deadline to submit your entry is December 15th to be on when the list goes up on January 1st. The final deadline for the 2010 Creme de la Creme is January 31st.
  • First Time Reading the LFCA: If this is your first time reading the LFCA or you need a refresher about how the LFCA works, please read this post. It has everything you need to know about getting your news in the LFCA.
  • Quicklink Resources: Regular ALI Blogroll: If you would like your blog added to the ALI blogroll, please email me directly with your blog url and category pick. More information about being added is contained in that link. Password-Protected Blogroll: If you would like your password-protected blog added to the blogroll, please fill out the form.
NEW BLOGS (started in October or November 2010)
BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES (celebrate your birthday or blogoversary with the community. Send me date at any point and I'll post them on the correct day)
  • Just Another Mom Blog is celebrating her birthday on Tuesday. Go over and sing her a little song.
  • My Wait is Over is celebrating her birthday on Saturday. Go have a slice of cake with her.
  • Foxy just posted her 100th post after 7 months of blogging! She'd been picturing that this post would be an exciting announcement of the results from her first IUI, but somehow it seems more fitting that it is about a random and unexpected test result.
LOSS REMEMBRANCES (send in the dates of loss anniversaries and I will post them on the correct day)
  • None Today.
MISCELLANEOUS SUPPORT AND CELEBRATIONS (scary scans, anxious waits, OHSS, and a host of other reasons why these bloggers could use some additional support right now. Also, celebratory retrievals, transfers, and other good news)
  • Hannah had her first failed IUI procedure and could use some support.
  • Angie is having a difficult time as her son's 3 month angelversary approaches. Send her some extra love and support to let her know she is not alone in this.
  • R is devastated that this latest cycle did not work and could use a ton of support and love right now.
  • Alison went in for her first ET Saturday morning. She's hoping for the best!
  • Baby Bump Bound writes, "I got another BFN... or rather got my AF. I did another IUI while I await the grueling decision to be made on whether or not to do IVF #6. I am tired and I want off this crazy ride ... hopefully with child in hand!"
  • In her first scan after the triplets were born, Wishing & Hoping & Thinking & Praying & Planning & Dreaming learned the cancer is back. They are figuring out a plan now possibly a new trial. The babies are all home and doing great.
  • After an ectopic and a miscarriage, Still a Guest Room is pregnant, but her beta isn't rising like she'd hope and she's feeling extremely nervous. She could use some love.
  • Jess just transferred 2 great looking blasties on Saturday, and now it's time for her 2ww. Let's help keep her in good spirits and distracted until her beta!
BEDREST BABES: on bedrest following infertility or loss and needing support. Drop in on them and keep them company.
  • Kristi is on modified bedrest for cervical trouble and a subchorionic bleed behind the placenta. Please go send her some encouraging words.
  • Rachel has made it to 24 weeks and been moved to hospital bedrest! Please stop by her blog and offer her some support and entertainment.
  • Once A Mother is pregnant with twins, and has been put on bed rest indefinitely due to a large subchorionic hemorrhage.
  • J (28 weeks along) was put on full bedrest to keep Littlest in her as long as possible. Please go visit her on her couch (and bring the chocolate!).
  • An Offering of Love's partner is 26 weeks pregnant with twins and was just put on complete bedrest due to a shortening cervix. They could use some words of encouragement and stories of positive outcomes in similar circumstances.
  • You Found What In There is has recently been put on bedrest; she is experiencing pre-term labor, needs blood transfusions for her unborn little girl at 27 weeks. Please go give her a hug and some support!
  • Tigger just found out that they are having a boy! Please come celebrate with her.
  • As a RPL survivor Kelly just found out quite unexpectedly she is pregnant for the 5th time. The fear is creeping in and she could use some love & encouragement.
  • Baby Steps (formerly Paint It Black) has discovered the secret to getting pregnant! Just change your blog name (and a spot of IVF and associated heartache). Go and congratulate her as she reaches 12 weeks.
  • Myndi just gave birth to her long awaited triplets! Stop by and say congrats and take a peek at the beautiful trio.
Read and Support

Friday, November 12, 2010

660th Issue of the LFCA

Welcome to today's edition of Connections Abound. The point of Lost and Found is to level the support playing field. When LFCA works correctly, the newest blogger with the smallest readership can receive the same level of support as the oldest blogger with the largest readership. Anyone can submit news to LFCA by clicking here.

Lost and Found is open to anyone in the
infertility, pregnancy loss, adoption, pregnancy-and-parenting after infertility, assisted conception, living child-free after infertility or loss community (as well as anyone I inadvertently missed on that list). Please support the list as well as anyone posting announcements below.

Connections Abound

  • Password Protected: Diana has decided to make her blog private. If you would like to continue reading, please send her an e-mail at or leave a comment on her post.
  • Vote: Romancing the Stork's son is entered in a "worst" holiday photo contest and she'd really appreciate your vote! Voting is fast, easy and free - just follow the link from her blog. Among other prizes, the winner gets their holiday photo card featured on the contest sponsors' websites. That would be quite the thrill for this "parenting after infertility" family, as you can surely imagine! Voting ends 11/16.
  • Advice: La Loca has her first appointment with a genetic counselor next week and would appreciate some advice.
  • Daily Creme Update: There are currently 116 participants on the Creme de la Creme 2010 list. The deadline to submit your entry is December 15th to be on when the list goes up on January 1st. The final deadline for the 2010 Creme de la Creme is January 31st.
  • First Time Reading the LFCA: If this is your first time reading the LFCA or you need a refresher about how the LFCA works, please read this post. It has everything you need to know about getting your news in the LFCA.
  • Quicklink Resources: Regular ALI Blogroll: If you would like your blog added to the ALI blogroll, please email me directly with your blog url and category pick. More information about being added is contained in that link. Password-Protected Blogroll: If you would like your password-protected blog added to the blogroll, please fill out the form.
NEW BLOGS (started in October or November 2010)
  • None Today (more will be added over the weekend).
BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES (celebrate your birthday or blogoversary with the community. Send me date at any point and I'll post them on the correct day)
  • Go over and celebrate with Womb For Improvement on her fourth wedding anniversary (but don't mention the other anniversary that it marks).
  • Susan celebrated her 41st birthday on Wednesday. Go share a piece of cake with her and her new son, Henry.
LOSS REMEMBRANCES (send in the dates of loss anniversaries and I will post them on the correct day)
  • Mo and Will of Life and Love in the Petri Dish found out their sixth pregnancy is nonviable at the latest ultrasound and had a D&C Thursday. Please stop by to let them know they are not alone in their deep grief.
  • Amy is scheduled for a D&C Friday morning at 8:30. She could use some love and support.
MISCELLANEOUS SUPPORT AND CELEBRATIONS (scary scans, anxious waits, OHSS, and a host of other reasons why these bloggers could use some additional support right now. Also, celebratory retrievals, transfers, and other good news)
  • After several losses, Michelle and her husband have decided to pursue adoption. Michelle is feeling overwhelmed and is having a tough time during this transition. Please go and see her and offer her any advice or words of encouragement as she embarks on this nervous new journey.
  • One Hit Wonder could use some love as her SIL outed her having IF and IVF to the prayer chain at her church.
  • Gurlee has potentially had some early spotting in the midst of her 2ww, and could use a little support right now until her u/s next week.
  • Paige is a wonderful mother who met with her preacher and was HORRIBLY let down by his narrow minded judgment. Please drop by to encourage her as his biting words were cruel. All our love Paige.
  • Reese just had her best retrieval ever by far. Come celebrate with her.
  • Jeri is having her embryo transfer on Friday for her very first IVF cycle. Wish her luck!
  • Rebecca thought she'd had a surprise positive after many losses and failed cycles, but testing again today, got a negative. Please go over and support her in her disappointment.
  • R. just got a negative on her FET and could use your condolences.
BEDREST BABES: on bedrest following infertility or loss and needing support. Drop in on them and keep them company.
  • Kristi is on modified bedrest for cervical trouble and a subchorionic bleed behind the placenta. Please go send her some encouraging words.
  • Rachel has made it to 24 weeks and been moved to hospital bedrest! Please stop by her blog and offer her some support and entertainment.
  • Once A Mother is pregnant with twins, and has been put on bed rest indefinitely due to a large subchorionic hemorrhage.
  • J (28 weeks along) was put on full bedrest to keep Littlest in her as long as possible. Please go visit her on her couch (and bring the chocolate!).
  • An Offering of Love's partner is 26 weeks pregnant with twins and was just put on complete bedrest due to a shortening cervix. They could use some words of encouragement and stories of positive outcomes in similar circumstances.
  • You Found What In There is has recently been put on bedrest; she is experiencing pre-term labor, needs blood transfusions for her unborn little girl at 27 weeks. Please go give her a hug and some support!
  • In the midst of their adoption, Heather has a surprise pregnancy and is still grappling with the emotion of it all in the wake of life with infertility. Some reassurance her way would do wonders while she's still a bit shocked by it all.
  • It's twin boys for Paige!
  • LisainSK got a first beta of 82 after her donor egg cycle. Go over and wish her congratulations!
  • Jay saw a heartbeat on her 6w6d ultrasound. Go wish her congratulations!
  • Mekate gave birth to a daughter, Della, on November 9. Go wish her a huge congratulations!
  • Andreas and Rachel's rainbow baby, Shalom, has arrived safely! Go over and congratulate them!
  • The Subfertile Frugalista has welcomed home her daughter, Wren. Please go wish her congratulations.
  • September 29 welcomed her son to the world this week! Miles was born on November 8. Go wish the family congratulations.
Read and Support

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

659th Issue of the LFCA

Welcome to today's edition of Connections Abound. The point of Lost and Found is to level the support playing field. When LFCA works correctly, the newest blogger with the smallest readership can receive the same level of support as the oldest blogger with the largest readership. Anyone can submit news to LFCA by clicking here.

Lost and Found is open to anyone in the
infertility, pregnancy loss, adoption, pregnancy-and-parenting after infertility, assisted conception, living child-free after infertility or loss community (as well as anyone I inadvertently missed on that list). Please support the list as well as anyone posting announcements below.

Connections Abound

  • Blog Move: Lori has moved into her new non-wobbly digs. Please subscribe to ( because the feed to her old blog will soon be dismantled.
  • Daily Creme Update: There are currently 93 participants on the Creme de la Creme 2010 list. The deadline to submit your entry is December 15th to be on when the list goes up on January 1st. The final deadline for the 2010 Creme de la Creme is January 31st.
  • Project: Comments for a Cause is a project where is partnering with adoptive families to highlight their stories. There are a bunch of ALI families participating including Lori, Luna, Heather and Dawn.
  • First Time Reading the LFCA: If this is your first time reading the LFCA or you need a refresher about how the LFCA works, please read this post. It has everything you need to know about getting your news in the LFCA.
  • Quicklink Resources: Regular ALI Blogroll: If you would like your blog added to the ALI blogroll, please email me directly with your blog url and category pick. More information about being added is contained in that link. Password-Protected Blogroll: If you would like your password-protected blog added to the blogroll, please fill out the form.
NEW BLOGS (started in October or November 2010)
  • None Today (more added over the weekend)
BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES (celebrate your birthday or blogoversary with the community. Send me date at any point and I'll post them on the correct day)
  • Jenni just celebrated her one year blogoversary! She has a beautiful post about what she would tell herself a year ago. Celebrate with her and tell her what you would have told Jenni when she started her blog a year ago.
LOSS REMEMBRANCES (send in the dates of loss anniversaries and I will post them on the correct day)
  • Amy just found out she is miscarrying. Please go give her support.
  • Dana lost her son Jacob at around 20 weeks in June and had a miscarriage in August. She is now 7 weeks, 3 days pregnant again, but just found out at her first ultrasound that it looks like there is no baby. She is such a sweet girl, and has been through so much. She could use all the love and support she can get.
MISCELLANEOUS SUPPORT AND CELEBRATIONS (scary scans, anxious waits, OHSS, and a host of other reasons why these bloggers could use some additional support right now. Also, celebratory retrievals, transfers, and other good news)
  • Whitney has just experienced a negative for IVF#4 and is feeling down.
  • Adele just lost her grandmother and is having a hard time feeling hopeful as she waits out her beta for this last IUI. She has had a very long road and could really use some support.
  • Alison has her first IVF egg retrieval bright and early Wednesday morning. Go wish her luck!
  • Olive and Fern are approaching the 3rd year ttc anniversary with a zero% chance of pregnancy on the occasion. They could use some love right now.
BEDREST BABES: on bedrest following infertility or loss and needing support. Drop in on them and keep them company.
  • Kristi is on modified bedrest for cervical trouble and a subchorionic bleed behind the placenta. Please go send her some encouraging words.
  • Rachel has made it to 24 weeks and been moved to hospital bedrest! Please stop by her blog and offer her some support and entertainment.
  • Once A Mother is pregnant with twins, and has been put on bed rest indefinitely due to a large subchorionic hemorrhage.
  • J (28 weeks along) was put on full bedrest to keep Littlest in her as long as possible. Please go visit her on her couch (and bring the chocolate!).
  • An Offering of Love's partner is 26 weeks pregnant with twins and was just put on complete bedrest due to a shortening cervix. They could use some words of encouragement and stories of positive outcomes in similar circumstances.
  • You Found What In There is has recently been put on bedrest; she is experiencing pre-term labor, needs blood transfusions for her unborn little girl at 27 weeks. Please go give her a hug and some support!
  • B has seen a heartbeat at a scan at 7 weeks and all looks well. She and her husband are cautiously pleased and hoping this little one stays put.
  • Geek and Lawyer are seeing 2 lines after their IVF cycle! Go do a happy dance with them!
  • None Today.
Read and Support